Christopher Veal's "Foreign Teacher's Association"

I actually got a good roar out of that last bit… just for the record, I was born in 1984. Cant wait to hear the response now… By the way, everyone keeps asking for specifics, but yet everyone is sitting on their msg filled greasy asses and not doing anything worth the two cents they put in to criticize me. Why doesnt sandman wipe the eyecrust away and write abit about what he would like to contribute. IS someone too busy eating purple people that they cant contribute a good idea or two what should be included in a teachers bill of rights? Am I the only one with the balls big enough to do something around here? For goodness sakes, we live in taiwan, go eat some friggin ginseng if you have that bad of memory. Did I not just write that a few colleagues and I are trying to eliminate the teacher security deposit nationwide, and to bond cram schools? WAKE UP, pull yourselves away from the computer for a second, think for a few minutes what needs to be changed(call a fellow teacher if you have to or even your manager), then try and figure out what realistically it will take to accomplish that. Come back to the forum and bring your results. This is how things get done. You have something to say to me? pick up the phone.

Nice post.
Not quite a Dale Carnegie grad are you.
So far you’re just fast and loose with the truth and your details don’t support your claims.

Yeah…all the indicators of a true educational professional.
And just exactly where are those “wealthy Taiwanese students in southern California” that you have been teaching?

Lotsa luck kid.

Ah well, at least it’s making a bit more sense now, having changed from an ad for a “conference of 7,000 people” to a 20-something kid asking “what can we do?”

And for the record, I avoid MSG and don’t have any eyecrust whatsoever. I can see things pretty clearly in fact, possibly in part because I’ve been working here in Taiwan since you were four years old, as have many of the others posting here.

I have no doubt that your intentions are good and I applaud you for that. Let us know when you get a clue, since you seem to be so utterly hellbent on avoiding any other specifics.

And by the way, you’re a little late to be fighting against schools taking deposits. They are strictly illegal – have been for a number of years – and the CLA is very stringent with schools who break the rules in this regard. I’m a little surprised that you don’t seem to be aware of that. As an investor in multiple buxibans here, I would have thought you’d at least be aware of the regulations governing your investments.

Sandman wrote [quote]Ah well, at least it’s making a bit more sense now, having changed from an ad for a “conference of 7,000 people” to a 20-something kid asking “what can we do?” [/quote]

:laughing: Ohh, baby, it hurts so good!

You bully boys really gotta stop beating up on the special needs posters.

Everyone is an expert their first couple of years here…I kinda miss being young and stupid!

Yeah, back the first time I was in Taiwan – oh, gosh, that was the year our unionizer was born, wasn’t it? – seemed like a lot of things could easily be changed to conform with the Western ideas of what is right.

Movie Synopsis: Trailer for “EDs” (not quite as long as “Reds”, fortunately)

OP: “So that’s what the present perfect tense is.”
Enthusiastic Well-Connected Taiwanese Student: “Wow! You great teacher. You must live with my well-connected family in Taiwan. You teach English and make lot of money there.”
OP: “Great!”
EWCTS: “Yeah, and father, is Very Important, is easy to do this, this, and this for you.”
OP: “Fabulous!”

Later that same year, at stately EWCTS Mansion in SoCal:

OP: “So, I got my visa and bought my plane ticket. I’ll be arriving in Taiwan next Tuesday.”
EWCTS: “Wonderful. Don’t forget look up incredibly powerful father when reach. I write e-mail in Chinese, but he know you. No problem. He can’t wait you arrive!”
OP: “You bet!”

Later the next week:
OP: “Hi, Mr. EWCTS! I’m OP, the English teacher from SoCal. I taught your wealthy but lazy son about the present perfect tense in English.”
Mr. EWCTS: (shifting on his flip-flops) “Sha? I gong sha? Sha lang?”
OP: (shows e-mail in Chinese from EWCTS)
Mr. EWCTS: (spitting betelnut into the area in front of the next-door neighbor’s doorway) “Se gin-a…i long e gong gua e cho sha…gua m zai-a…se gin-a!”

Later the same month, at a local pub after several beers:
OP: “So that’s why the foreign English teachers of Taiwan need a union. I’ve got some fabulous connections to do it, too.”
Half-drunk buxiban teacher: “Hey, cool, dude. Are you standing the next round?”

The Curtain Falls

You had me till the end there. Guess I better hit the Taiwanese books a little harder.

This thread is better than TV. I can’t wait to see what happenes in Act 2. :bravo:

[quote=“ironlady”]Later the next week:
OP: “Hi, Mr. EWCTS! I’m OP, the English teacher from SoCal. I taught your wealthy but lazy son about the present perfect tense in English.”
Mr. EWCTS: (shifting on his flip-flops) “Sha? I gong sha? Sha lang?”
OP: (shows e-mail in Chinese from EWCTS)
Mr. EWCTS: (spitting betelnut into the area in front of the next-door neighbor’s doorway) “Se gin-a…i long e gong gua e cho sha…gua m zai-a…se gin-a!”

Well, I don’t guarantee my Romanization in Taiwanese, and it’s been awhile, etc. etc. (and consider OP’s reaction to this flood of dialect from the father as well!) but this is basically what he probably said :smiley: :

OP: “Hi, Mr. EWCTS! I’m OP, the English teacher from SoCal. I taught your wealthy but lazy son about the present perfect tense in English.”
Mr. EWCTS: (shifting on his flip-flops) “Huh? What did he say? Who the hell is he?”
OP: (shows e-mail in Chinese from EWCTS)
Mr. EWCTS: (spitting betelnut into the area in front of the next-door neighbor’s doorway) “F-ing kid…always telling people I’ll do this or that…I dunno…f-ing kid!”

Brilliant! Thanks ironlady, kinda figured it was along those lines.

[quote=“almas john”]

:laughing: Ohh, baby, it hurts so good!

You bully boys really gotta stop beating up on the special needs posters.[/quote]

Enjoying the train wreck I see… :s What special needs are we talking about John? Please do not answer that question, It’s more sarcasm than a real question. Anyways, stick the the message Sir, if you will.

[quote]The Curtain Falls[/quote]Ok… So can we have this thread locked then, please? This is going nowhere fast. It’s seems like from here, only the messenger will be addressed and not his message. I see no need for that. The OP was already pictured as a drunk buxiban teacher(or was that his buddy/associate) with special needs. Correct me if I’m wrong, but this thread is not about the OP’s line of work nor is it about his drinking habits or whatever special needs he may NOT have. :s

I had a conversation with the OP this afternoon and he sounded like a fine young gentleman. Perhaps he did exagerate things a little bit in this thread…

BTW, Christoper, when Sandman calls you a kid, consider yourself lucky you are not a couple years younger because he would probably have inserted the words diaper or sucking on mommy’s titties in there too. Mind me, he calls everyone a kid so long as they are say…under 40 years old. :stuck_out_tongue: “You can not teach an old monkey how to frown.” :wink:

Seriously, you’d better just come clean and explain that you are just trying to start this organization and that you need as much support as you can get. Your organisation is based of only five people. That’s a table of buddies talking about the way schools are run, it’s not an organisation. That’s why I think this thread should be locked too. Besides, making references to the US politics and calling people MSG fat asses is like digging a hole for yourself. You will not gather people this way, you’ll just be flooded with criticism. You ruined your chances to use Forumosa as a resource for what it is you would like to do.

This said, criticism is fine on this bulletin board. Saying that you have special needs is not.



Bobepipe wrote [quote]Anyways, stick the the message Sir, if you will. [/quote]

Lighten up Francis! Stick to the message!!?? The message is nonsense and the OP deserves to get a ribbing for wasting people’s time.

“perhaps” - so you are not sure? “a little bit” - I’d say more.

And to think we had an old timer saying we should give this guy a break. Can’t remember where I saw that.

if only we could hear the voice inflection of our writings.

Hop! Reveal Christ.

Reveal Christ: hop.

Hop? Reveal Christ?

[quote=“almas john”]

Lighten up Francis! Stick to the message!!?? The message is nonsense and the OP deserves to get a ribbing for wasting people’s time.
[/quote]I used to work with a Francis. He was a nice guy. He always baked the best pizza too. He was a hell of a slacker, but a great cook. :wink:

[quote]if only we could hear the voice inflection of our writings.[/quote]That’s true. You could not possibly take Sandman seriously if you heard his chipmunk-like voice.

we have all gained a pound or two in the rear since coming here, no?

Some of us more than others… :unamused:

christopherveal wrote:[quote]we have all gained a pound or two in the rear since coming here, no?[/quote]
Well, some have taken a poundin’ in the ass department, others haven’t.
Do you want a take a bet on getting 7,000 foreign teachers for your conference? I’ll give you very good odds. To make it fairer, I will give you a bit of slack and make the figure 2,000; what do you say?

I believe you have two too many zero’s… :smiley: :smiley:

There are only wabbits here

Hey, the post topic was “the Foreign Teacher’s Association”, not “the Foreign Teachers’ Association”, so really he only needs ONE teacher to make it work, right? :smiley: