CICO with regards to weight and being healthy

I’m ending up at around 2200 calories a day and that allows me to have a cheat day on weekends to maintain.

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I mean most athletes or fitness people do it. If you have a feel for it, then you dont need to as can approximate.

What would be your alternative? Please dont say not eating cabs and high fat, because that its miserable also doesnt really work.

Are you into body building? It seems from your posts you are. Thosr are very specific goals that don’t necessarily align with health.

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If I’m not allowed not eating carbs and high fat, then eating less?

I just lift weights and hike and cycle. Apart from getting roughly enough protein for muscle growth, dont see why would be any different

So you just eat less/ smaller portions? Arent you hungry


Cool if that works for you, then great

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Sounds good, cheat days are important

I am having the same problem here :confused:
All boxes of barilla noodles in usa are 200 calories per serving. Here it says some 300 calorie BS. So frustrating.

I mentioned that on another post a while back that I noticed that Taiwan like to tape up the calorie information with their own. At first I thought it was just for translation, but turns out, they change some of the numbers. So things like 0 calorie sauce like Franks red hot turns into 25 calories… Even canned food such as refried beans calories are more per the Taiwan stickers.

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I wonder why?Must be to do with food safety laws in Taiwan and needing to get stuff locally tested. Taiwan is super strict on stuff since the scandals

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If you feel hungry all the time, it’s almost certainly because you’re eating too little fat and too much of the starchy stuff. Your body is dependent upon starches for energy and has “forgotten” how to recycle fat effectively between meals.

CICO is not just incompatible with what’s known about human physiology, it quite literally ignores the laws of physics. It’s a religion. Stop counting your calories, lose the oatmeal/sweet potato/etc and add more fat to your diet. Your appetite will recalibrate. Just give it a go. You might surprise yourself.

There are lots of reasons why someone could be hungry.

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I have tried eating more fat, but healthy fats per 99% of the websites comes down to olive oil, avocado and nuts. Swapping out 100 calories of sweet potato for 15 nuts didn’t help with my hunger at all.
I really also enjoy the foods I eat. So it’s not like I’m force feeding my self. It’s more of an issue of I can’t wait till the next meal.

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Are you getting enough fiber?

If you are hungry all the time, you probably just need more calories

Sometimes managing a constant feeling of being hungry is as simple as drinking more water


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Yes, and more calories plus my cheat meals on weekend will result in weight gain.
Even though I sit in front of a computer all day, I find that on weekends when i’m not working in front of the computer, I am far less hungry. So maybe using my brain is using too much energy.

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Have you tried though? Just up your tdee a bit until you find the sweet spot where you are still maintaining (or depending on your goals, slightly losing) weight.

I had to go up to 2500 calories before I felt like I wasn’t hungry anymore. Essentially adding another meal. The issue with that was I was spending too much time cooking, prepping and cleaning. Then still wanting to eat out on weekends resulted in weight gain.