CICO with regards to weight and being healthy

Then maybe more satiating food choices. Fats as suggested here are an option, but super high calories so be careful. Otherwise protein and fiber is satiating. Things like Beans and chickpeas are great.

Almost all of the mainstream advice on healthy eating is unmitigated bullshit. They quite literally just make this stuff up - any basic physiology/cell biochemistry textbook will contradict what nutritionists tell you.

I know this is really hard to accept - why would “experts” do this? - but I can only suggest that you just try it. Don’t just dip your toes in the water or try to “fix” it to make it compatible with mainstream advice. Aim for 60-70% of your calories from fat (any sort of fat - although seed oils are best avoided, there’s no such thing as an “unhealthy fat”). For me personally, I get my fat from meat, butter, cream, olive oil, and coconut oil, in roughly that order. Bear in mind that 1000kCal of fat is only 100-odd grams. That’s very easy to achieve without having your meals swimming in grease.

The worst that can happen is that you’ll find it doesn’t work and you’ll have to try something else. But since you are already unhappy with your current approach, that’s not really a disaster.

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Before I started counting calories, I had a tub of cashews from costco by at my desk. When I was hungry, I would eat them. Keep in mind this was only for if I felt hungry between lunch and dinner. Once I started counting calories because I got tired of all the people at the health checkup tell me I was fat, I realized that I was eating anywhere from 800-1000 calories in cashews. Even after consuming all those calories in fats, never once did I go home and felt like I wasn’t hungry and could skip dinner.
Most annoying part was at the time, I was 165-170 lbs. Not exactly breaking the scale there.

Why would you want to skip dinner? I’ll be honest with you: I think you’re heading for a dangerous headspace where you’re afraid of food. This is a very common outcome of calorie-counting.

What I was suggesting is that you incorporate fat into your meals. Cook your veg in butter and/or oil. Add butter to your eggs (and eat whole eggs, not egg whites). Buy meat with fat on it instead of chicken breasts. Let taste/flavour guide you, rather than calories or macronutrients. Your body is capable of working within a wide range of dietary inputs. What it absolutely cannot cope with - at least not long-term - is “low fat”.

Mostly fat chicks…

If they did that, they wouldn’t be fat

Just because you’re counting them doesn’t mean you eat less of them.

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I believe this is true. But also know the extra calories or trading protein and carb for fat results in me gaining weight or being more hungry. Hence the struggle and why I think losing and maintaining weight is not easy. Proof being most of the population.

They are fat because they count (and restrict) calories. I would have thought that was completely obvious.

Also doesn’t mean they are doing it right or doing it for extended period of time.

You’re probably dabbling at the edges. Unless you drop those carbs completely (or as completely as is compatible with good taste) your body will just demand more of them, even if adequate fat is available.

If you start eating a healthy diet, your will initially gain some weight as your body breathes a metaphorical sigh of relief and realises that the nightmare is over. This will level out very quickly, and you will then start losing bodyfat (not “weight”). This little blip of weight gain is why caloric restriction is so incredibly dangerous: people become terrified of making healthy changes.

The behaviour of adaptive closed-loop systems, as I said, is very hard to describe in simple terms. At some point you’ll just have to trust that your body is not broken.

Most of the Western population are eating very low-fat diets. Even the government statistics bear this out, despite the (simultaneous) insistence of TPTB that everyone is eating too much fat. Low fat diets are the proximate cause of appetite derangement: the relentless jolts of carbs at every meal push your internal control systems into a region of operation where they are no longer able to adapt. Your body goes into a sort of metabolic lockdown, desperately shoving all of those carbs into any spare corner it can find, in a last-ditch attempt to keep you alive. This has appalling long term health consequences, but it’s a big improvement over the alternative (instant death).

What does that mean? They are counting them and then ignoring them.

Anyway millions and millions of people count calories , usually with apps. People into fitness and stuff eill

No …

Honestly everyone I know into fitness and stuff tried the high fat low carb shit years ago and not one person is still doing it. Why? Because it’s fucking miserable and it doesn’t really work. There are a lot simpler and effective ways to stay in shape.

I do think lchf is good for obese people though who need a big intervention

The majority of the population are not into “fitness and stuff”. They just don’t want to be fat.

Most people are doing it wrong. You appear to not even know what it involves. What on earth is “miserable” about eating whatever you like, when you like?

Also there is no point in discussing this stuff, because frankly a lot of the proponents are similar if not umbilically linkedto the anti-vax crowd. Look at the main influencers on YouTube pushing these kinds of diets and they all roughly fall into a type and are often “free thinkers”

Mainly that the “experts” and "mainstream science " is lying to everyone or in Cahoots with industry. “They” are suppressing the evidence.

So there is nothing to say to someone if that is their position. Just think people are best to do their own research

I like eating potato and drinking beer. I eat what I like now and love my diet. I fucking hated being restricted and that’s why fad diets fail.

You have some success in the beginning but they aren’t sustainable

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CICO quite literally ignores basic physics. You probably don’t even realise that.

Yes the establishment have been lying to us

Yes, they have. Same as with COVID vaccines, since you mention it. All of this stuff has popular appeal because it sounds superficially plausible to a scientifically-illiterate public. The fact that it’s completely wrong is irrelevant: people will believe it because the truth is really boring and really complicated.

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Do you use caffeine?