Citibank exiting Taiwan

If they have a better service and better online banking, I will give them a try. Was not satisfied with Citibank.

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This seems the only good way I reckon looking at all the experiences shared here. I will do that for sure in 3 months time. Meanwhile, it might seems that American Express is the only one to consider foreigners with Amex cards from other jurisdictions, although also there is quite a process, still haven’t received any notification, it has been almost 3 weeks… but I follow up with them every few days

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the DBS deal is sealed, they need to get the approvals, but the commercial side is done. DBS wants to expand more in TW, citibank will keep just Mainland China, HK and Singapore for retail banking in East Asia. HSBC is doubling down in their Pivot to Asia, and are hiring extensively in all the regions here, Taiwan included.

Can’t login to the Citibank app now but I can still use my card. Haven’t received my DBS card yet either so I can’t login to the DBS app (which isn’t available until Aug 14th apparently )

My wife already received her DBS debit card, like last week

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The in laws could have just not told me. I landed back a few hours ago so will check for certain soon


Welcome home :rofl:

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Same here…I received my DBS Multi-Currency Debit Card (I held a Gold Debit Citi card previously) about 2 weeks ago and sent DBS an SMS to verify my identity. Today (Aug 14th) is the official day when DBS completey takes control of Citibank and all of our records have been migrated over to DBS. I already completed registration for the DBS banking & Card+ app and everything was carried over correctly (My Savings account which is connected to the Debit Card + my 2 Citibank Credit cards.)

Now the problem I’m facing is this…Citibank always sends out an SMS and Email of my Credit Cards account statement on the 10th of each mth…I received the email on the 10th but I can’t open the statement since Citi’s website went down so I have no idea how much I have to pay this mth. Checking DBS’s Credit card app, it shows that I have no pending amount but I know I have since I used my cards last mth. Now how do I know how much to pay??? Anyone with Citi’s CC cards that got carried over to DBS solve this problem?

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I only have a credit card but I used the Citibank card number to setup the DBS app today and it worked :slight_smile:

It was surprisingly easy… it just worked. Think the upped the interest rate though

Can you see your account statement? i.e how much you have to pay this mth?

Have the branches changed their colors yet? Last week I still saw the Citibank logos and all. Or have they just closed all those branches?

Also, is DBS foreigner-friendly or in other words, should I use their services after pulling out all my money from Citibank?

yes, at least in taipei

seems not from my recent experience for their credit card.


It was still the same Blue Citibank signboards when I saw it last Friday…Will go again today after work to check if any change has been made and also to update the pincode of my new ATM card.

No idea as I haven’t used them before…they’re from Singapore so hopefully they’re pretty familiar with foreigners.

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citibank TW officially terminated its retail services nationwide at 3:30pm last friday, so they had to keep their colours until then. Over the weekend they remodelled.


Sure can and it has the option to deduct the money from your account too

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Just got this msg on the Card+ app…

It basically says it will take some time for the data to be fully integrated into their system & advises us to use the digibank app to check the past statements, which only shows June as the most recent.

Just went to the Siyuan branch in Xinzhuang and noticed the new Red and Black signage, the new deco… New ATM machines (which was covered up), passbook update machine and a bunch of those Opening Ceremony flowers and bouquets inside the glass doors… All of which were locked and I couldn’t enter. Guess they haven’t started operations as yet.

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What’s your interest rate if you don’t mind me asking? Has it changed?

I’m sure mine has increased… it was 12.something % with citibank and it’s 15% now

The branch near my office on nanjing east rd (taipei) was already open and almost fully functional, just the ATMs were still inaccessible

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