Classic Posts ★★★★★

Here is one I found earlier today at Pet Peeves in Taiwan - #101 by Omniloquacious

It is the “padded bra” post by Omniloquacious from Mon Oct 28, 2002

One of the things that disappoints me most about Taiwan is the bras. It’s not just the padding, which is bad enough. The worst of it is that the bras are always there, whether padded or not. How often does one see a girl proudly displaying an emancipated pair of braless boobs nestling delightfully beneath her t-shirt, blouse, tank-top, sweater or dress? Almost never, unless she’s with a foreigner. Even in mid-summer, when wearing a bra must be torture, they’re still always there. And often they, or at least their pads, are worn under swimsuits, for goodness sake!

Does anyone agree with me that the bra is one of the ugliest garments ever invented? And isn’t it rather unnecessary for most smaller-breasted Chinese girls, whose boobs are not going to sag to their waists without it? Rather than enhancing the beauty of a Chinese woman’s form (as the ads would have you believe), the ubiquitous bra masks and detracts from its wearer’s allure.

When are Taiwan’s ladies going to learn from their liberated Western sisters and burn their bras? Roll on the day!