Cleaning window exterior in tall building...long handled squeegee?

Yeah. On the outside

By window washers scaling the side of the building.

So much can go wrong…

If today was my last day on this earth, I would definitely try the power washer to see what happens.

Unfortunately, it is not my last day on this planet and I’m a bit clumsy. I went ahead and bought the thing that tango mentioned in the first post. Never been so excited for such a mundane object to arrive.


@papertowel you can’t start an interesting thread about washing your windows and then not tell us the result. How clean are your windows now?

I think we need pics, and they better be juicy.

I’d post pics but it would expose where I live. I also haven’t quite mastered the technique yet so there’s a few spots on the window.

Amateur hour

That amateur hour was 4 AM. I couldn’t see what I was doing.

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Maybe you should try cloth instead of papertowel.

This is what I use.『現貨』擦玻璃神器-擦窗神器-雙面玻璃清潔器-雙面玻璃刷-玻璃擦-雙面擦窗器-洗窗戶神器-玻璃清潔器-雙面磁力擦窗器-i.439930979.17437465484

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Does it work remotely close to the video?

I’ve got one of the triangle shaped magnet window washers from Shopee. I live on the 20F. They work reasonably well, but still require some practice to get it right. Damn good thing they come with a safely line to attach to your wrist because they to fall sometimes if you don’t have the angle just right, or enough soap or wetness (for whatever solution you’re using) on the cleaning side so it glides appropriately.


I’ve been looking for a magnetic window cleaner forever.

Haven’t seen them in any shops.

Just do this


I have windows that I can’t even begin to reach, to use a squeegee or a magnetic thing either one. I think I’m sol

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No, this is about right (not my video - copied it from one of the reviews):

More soap and water would certainly make the job easier, but they do come loose and the outside piece will fall sometimes when turning too quickly. Once you get the hang of it, they do the job reasonably well.

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