CNN U.S. Edition

Just stopped by the U.S. edition of CNN and was astonished to see the type of content on the U.S. home page. Check out the cutesy stories on the front:


Soldier saves civilian

Stories that honor courage, nobility of purpose in wartime

Those guys over there could put Joseph Goebbels to shame with that little piece of “journalism”.


Get a life.


yeah, what kind of nazis would do a profile on a dominican nun treating sick and pregnant women during a war?!?!

While I don’t agree with the comments made in the 1st post, it’s still quite hard to comprehend why there’s so much the American bias on so-called “international” news services. This was, of course, particularly obvious during the war coverage.

Anyway, in terms of the propaganda machine, I still think Taiwan’s media wins the prize: last week I watched a SARS story on TV news which came with an accompanying “scarey music” score…

The Big Babou :?

Chaplain helps families through grief, joy … ganti.html

A more apt headline would be: Man of Christ comforts families of Crusaders

And by the way, is that nazi comment cutting a little too close to the bone? Just who was the last person to wage preemptive war?

Knocking America is not even a sport anymore; it’s like getting laid at Vibe.

My personal hero would be that little girl who got shot in the head by anxious (read trigger-happy) American soldiers. Fuckers.

What makes you think the Nazis didn’t report that kind of thing?

If you don’t like CNN then watch Al-Jezeera or read Pravda.

Is that all Redface666?


Not yet. If you don’t like the US of A, go live in Commie China.

Mine’s bigger than yours

DB Wrote:

Is that all Redface666?

Not yet. If you don’t like the US of A, go live in Commie China.[/quote]

I don’t live in the US of A.

Good. With luck, maybe we can keep it that way.

[quote=“Sir Donald Bradman”]

If you don’t like the US of A, go live in Commie China.[/quote]

You took the words out of my mouth.


A more apt headline would be: Man of Christ comforts families of Crusaders.[/quote]

Why don’t you just go ahead and say “Jewish-Crusader Alliance”?


Knocking America is not even a sport anymore; it’s like getting laid at Vibe.[/quote]

You can only get laid by drunk sluts at Vibe? No wonder you’re so bitter.

Your mama. And the horse you rode in on.

[quote]Sir Donald Bradman wrote:

If you don’t like the US of A, go live in Commie China.

You took the words out of my mouth.[/quote]

Sorry Alleycat. That was my intention - to save Blueface the breath (he’s a little predictable). I forgot to add the :wink:


BWAHAHA! :laughing: You’re falling for my diabolical plan!

RF666 wrote:

[quote]Alleycat wrote:
I don’t live in the US of A.

Good. With luck, maybe we can keep it that way[/quote]

I lived in the States, for a number of years. But after almost being arrested by two crew-cut wankers in a cruiser for walking home from a bar (I was publicly intoxicated, they claimed)–but I’ll swear till I’m blue in the face that I was behaving myself and doing the community a service by walking and not driving–I thought that I’d given “the land of the free” enough of my life.

I still have good friends there and I don’t detest America, no correction, I do detest the hell out of it now. I hate W and his worms for all their self-righteousness, and I hate America for allowing them to do what they are doing.

CNN only mirrors what most Americans feel; it has broken new ground in jingoistic “journalism.”

But that is enough of me pontificating. But such baloney from CNN really ires me as it only marches the world closer to chaos.

people get so pissed off by cnn bias…but nobody cares about bias at the bbc…or al-jazeera…or le monde. selective outrage at its best.