Cold Plates

I’ve been here a long time and why is it that at nearly every western restaurant I’ve been to they serve up the hot food on stone cold plates. I feel like it’s a race against time to down the delicious burger or whatever dish before it gets stone cold too. Nothing worse than a cold fry up.

If it’s a good restaurant they would know certain foods shouldn’t be served like that.

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Any burger worth eating here is served on wood. At very least a paper type material betqeen the dish and the plate. Otherwise youre probably not doing the western thing.

Many taiwan hot dishes are frieds, boiled etc so when they hit the plate, they heat the plate. Its the difference in heating systems perhaps? Asia tends to be open fire oily/saucy so tends to heat the plate. Burgers are not the same ball game…hence why Mcdonalds and other barely-food-type places that got popular serve in paper.

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I learned something today. You just taught an.old man something he never knew.:grinning: