College admissions in Taiwan/transfers

You ever do any research on this and see what it’d take? Any idea how much tuition is?

That’s what I’m going to do, just getting around to it. I wouldn’t expect tuition to be as much as UT Austin.

Maybe, but UT Austin is a top 10 program and a steal at $10k USD all in.

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It’s a steal, but I’m not in Austin.

I have to settle with what they offer in Taiwan.

Nor am I. The program is fully online, as we’ve discussed only a few posts above.

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You can’t do a General Geology undergraduate degree online. They require field work that can’t be done online (and even if they could field work is not a negotiable requirement, they absolutely will not graduate you if you didn’t complete a certain amount of field work).

You’re doing computer science which requires a computer. It’s different.

I’m going to apply when the brief comes out. I went to NTUST and asked and they advised me to apply as a transfer student, saying that they will be evaluated manually rather than through tests and stuff. I got no idea what applications involve though, if I gotta write some Chinese essay and stuff I might have to use Chat GPT or something because my Chinese level is not competitive at all.

Application fee is 900 or so I’m told.

It will be a long shot… no foreigner preferential treatment either…

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Are you applying to the Chinese or English program?

I can’t do international program because I am not a foreigner.

That’s not the case at my university

Are you guessing, or did they say this?

What university are you at?

NTUST seems good for the stuff I want to study, the entire institution is focused on science and engineering it seems.

They said this. I have to apply as a Taiwanese. There are strict rules to apply as international students and I can’t qualify unless I buy a passport from Burkino Faso or something.

Lol, good one

But can you apply as a Taiwanese to their English language program?

I didn’t ask. But regardless even if the program was English probably only 20% of the classes are going to be taught in English, and without any Chinese skills you wouldn’t make it. I know international students have to study HARD at Shida to get their Chinese up to par.

I’m pretty much expecting that the classes will be taught in Chinese.

this year’s will come soon, but here is last years. You maybe can guess what you need.

台灣科大 111 學年度 轉學生招生簡章

(1)報考二年級之大學一年級學生應附至大一上學期止之歷年成績單及排名。 (2)報考三年級之大學二年級學生應附至大二上學期止之歷年成績單及排名。 (3)以境外或大陸學歷報考者,另須提供符合規定之學歷證件及「境外學歷切結書」(附件二或自考生專區下載)。
(1)歷年成績單及排名(須加蓋學校教務處章戳)。 (2)自傳:一千字以內,內容含個人學經歷及有利於審查之說明等。 (3)其他有利於審查之資料:如技能檢定證照證明、重要競賽成果、語文檢定證明、研究報告或作品集、社團表現或其他足以證明學生優秀之資料。

Your academic certificate from US needs to be authenticated, so if you have not started yet, it may be better to start preparing.

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Some googling around suggests to me they don’t have STEM undergraduate programs in English, it’ll all be in Chinese. You should ask them

What does that mean? My university of phoenix diploma has a stamp from TECO/MOE so I guess that counts.

They won’t do that with transcripts, and that’s all I will have from UT Austin. Plus it would have to be an official transcript meaning it’s sealed only to be opened by the school evaluating it.

I mean it’s a long shot, odds are I won’t get in, but gotta try.

no. it is not 彌封加蓋教務主管彌封章. they say just 須加蓋學校教務處章戳. you should upload the transcript, so it cannot be sealed. this may not need to be authenticated.

they also requested 經駐外單位驗證之境外學歷成績證明正本 last year if accepted, so you may want to check it. this may be transcript in an sealed envelope, and teco may authenticate the seal on the envelope.