Color Game

My Score:


hue 10
saturation 8
complementary 8
analogous 12
triadic 10
tetradic 9


My Score:


hue 10
saturation 10
complementary 9
analogous 9
triadic 9
tetradic 9

How are the results calculated?

What, not a Wordle mutation? What a surprise.


The individual scores are based on accuracy and then just average between all the categories.

I mean, how’s the accuracy calculated?
I first assumed it was 0-10, but then I saw yours goes up to 12 :idunno:

Tricky on the phone. Later I realized that you can press and sweep, which is much easier. And on a laptop it’s easier again.

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Probably gives points for each try. It tells you how good the click was e.g. average, good, perfect

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