Commuter safety in Taipei

Just read this unfortunate news:

I’ve seen notices in some places warning about the dangers of crocs on escalators. This seems so unreal though. I’m not able to fathom how the crocs can get stuck? They may be soft but they are still thick rubber. Plus the space between two steps or step and side isn’t that big that even a thin croc could slip in. I don’t understand. Poor girl.

I think it has to do with the fact that crocs are really soft and that it could grab onto the escalator surfaces and so as it slides down it also drags crocs in with it. It doesn’t look like it but escalators have a LOT of force after all it has to ferry hundreds of people up it at the same time.

Many escalators have raised section on the edge of the escalator, presumably to prevent people from putting their feet too close to the side. Also if you are wearing crocs be aware of where your feet is, don’t put it anywhere near the edge of the steps as things do get caught.

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You were not here for the long hair incident. No, it is not an urban legend.

Watch China escalator accidents videos. You’ll take the stairs more often.


It’s not just that but you know the angle between the escalator stairwell and the floor? you can rip your head off on that. The triangular thing is designed to stop that.

Escalators are unsafe if you wear loose clothing too, like pant sleeves, shoelaces, etc. can all get caught in it. Also the reason Costco has someone standing by the escalator is because when it gets crowded people can get hurt when all the shopping carts pile up.


Yep, I remember when it actually happened. Horrific. Those things began appearing soon thereafter


Recently a kid got her head trapped there in spite if warnings. Last I heard was she was brain dead.

So yes, being aware of your surroundings, keeping alert.

A coworker recently was on an escalator in front of this old guy who was hauling a piece of luggage. He lost foot, and he came tumbling down luggage and all. Took down my coworker and 4 other people. Luckily she just suffered some scratches and pulled muscle.

He said the cause of the unfortunate incident appeared to be the girl’s footwear and advised passengers not to wear soft-soled clogs and sandals that could result in entrapment, reported Liberty Times.

So he basically cuts straight into blaming the parents, classy.

There has to be something they can retrofit. Maybe there’s an idea for a Taiwan startup? Not sure if safety sells in Taiwan though. :thinking:

That’s why they suggest that old people not use the escalator.

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For what they listen…

Also, you are not supposed to carry luggage or baby stroller on escalators. Again, this is not obeyed.

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I see kids run backwards on those movable sidewalks Carrefour uses for carts. That is incredibly dangerous.

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Even in English there are notices fucking everywhere telling you not to ride the thing in your stupid ass Crocks or other rubber shoes.
I’d blame the parents too.

Drop your kid over the wall into the fucking gorilla enclosure in overalls made out of bananas and then sue the zoo, off you go.

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Just take the stairs, man…buns and thighs.



The gorilla enclosure is different, the danger is ‘binary’. The problem with the ‘carve out’, certain shoes ok, certain not, is that the communication is difficult. Rather than victim blaming, try and come up with a solution. We went to the moon ffs, can we not design a safe escalator for all shoe types?

We went to the moon ffs, can you not pay attention to where your own feet are on the escalator?

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Children don’t always do what they are told.

Then they’re gonna learn the hard way. :idunno:

Because the kids must be blatantly ignoring their parents’ instruction, Taipei being famous for both people strictly obeying all posted instructions/warnings, and rebellious kids
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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