Computer freezes for 1 minute

I dont know why ever since I installed windows clean As soon as I enabled pppoe the computer would freeze for like 1 minute after bootup. I thought I am supposed to disable DHCP but that didnt work, so what do I do??

Turn off MS Messenger and see if it gets any better.

Yeah, I’d actually like to know the answer to this too. I get the exact same problem with my in-laws’ computers.

Go to My Network Places
View My Connections
You should have 2 icons here. One with 2 computers connected - this is your network card connection. One with a computer and a globe - this is your PPoE connection.
Right click the network card connection > Status > Support
Note down the numbers for IP and subnet mask (should start 169.254…)
Click the General tab and then Properties
In the “This connection uses the following items” list double click Internet protocol (TCP/IP)
Select “Use the following IP address” and input the settings you noted before.

If the computer is part of a network of computers that are linked by a hub or switch (and not a router) then put the IP address as instead, and then setup the other computers in the same way using subsequent numbers, etc.