Consumer protection for fraudulent repairs

So I needed to get my laptop repaired and was told that the CPU needs to be replaced.

Well, NTD16k including work got me back a computer that still had the same problem as when I first brought it in.

Now, the laptop I have has a soldered on CPU and only a mobo replacement would allow the swapping of a CPU. I only recently discovered this.

Nowhere was it mentioned that the mobo would be replaced along with the CPU. This has me questioning whether I was taken for a ride.

Soldered CPU. No mobo swap. Yet billed for a new CPU when you cannot do one without the other.

It is clear I was screwed over.

In a case like this where can I complain? Is there a Consumer Protection Agency that would deal with this sort of thing? If you can provide me details of this I would be most grateful.

Hopefully I can just mention this to the repair place and they can give me my money back and/or fix my beloved laptop as stated on the quote.

Swapping the BGA CPU is definitely doable.

If they are replacing the board, be happy you are getting extra for no charge.

Yes you can do one without the other.

What exactly is your complaint?

I think you overlooked this!

No I didn’t.

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What was the problem?
So, it was already out of warranty. It must be an amazingly expensive machine to start with. These days, 20k gets a passable machine.
Q. what were you using it for?

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I am aware of this, however, it does not appear to have been done.

Whether I want to pursue this or not, I think it is nice to know where one can take their justified grievances. Especially, considering the massive expense of the machine.

Just out of warranty. It is a high-end Lenovo ThinkPad. I am doubtful the CPU was even replaced, so I am pressing him and being stonewalled.

It was my work machine . 64GB RAM 2 X Samsung Evo 970 Plus NVMe with additional SATA SSD on board. Core i-7. 4k screen etc I’d be looking at 80k for an equivalent more modern machine.

Holy shit! i won’t even claim to understand all that, you had me with 64gb ram. Just wow!

What was the problem? What exactly was the complaint?

The laptop would not charge. It seemed an easy fix. There is a $15 connector which can be swapped out where the charging cable connects.

After leaving it with the repairer, I was told that a new CPU was required. I paid for this, but the charging issue remained.

I then discovered that it is unlikely that the CPU could have been changed as this necessitates a new mobo, or specialised equipment to change the cpu without replacing the mobo.

After pressing the repairer for details on the above I received no further contact.

It seems logical that no CPU was swapped and that minimal work, if any, was actually done. If that is the case I was charged $16kNTD for nothing.

I will give the repairer another 7 days to respond before I simply attempt to recoup my losses.

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Did you pay cash or credit? Have you attempted to return to the store claiming problem remains?

I have to say that I had to read several times your messages to fully understand the situation.

A laptop not charging because of a CPU doesn’t sound very plausible. I might be wrong but I really doubt that may ever be the reason.

Don’t give the guy 7 more days. Go to the shop and get this sorted out today or file a report.

Do you have any hardware inspection report generated before you took it to the shop? that may help to make your case.

Also, may I ask what do you use the laptop for?

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Just to add, at scooter shops, it’s common to get a bag full of your old parts (which i always politely refuse). Proof that work’s been done.

Yeah I’m no computer technician but not seeing how this would be physically possible.

I am a computer technician of sorts, and agree that this sounds extremely implausible. Also, a new CPU on such a high-end laptop alone should easily be above 16K NTD, plus cost to swap.


I’m really curious as for what the computer is used for.

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“Work” was mentioned ^^