Coronavirus - America


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Looks like the US has some way to go.

Less than 10 percent of Americans have coronavirus antibodies, a new study finds.

Less than 10 percent of Americans have antibodies to the new coronavirus, suggesting that the nation is even further from herd immunity than had been previously estimated, according to a study published Friday in The Lancet.

People keep talking about evolution as though it’s a giant computer in the sky deciding what’s logical or not.

Evolution isn’t intelligent or logical, it simply evolves and adapts.

If the environment favors high mortality, then that is what will succeed. If it favors high virulence but low mortality, then that is what will succeed. What’s scary is what if it favors both??

Experiential evidence suggests otherwise with viruses. Epidemics have come and gone in the past, generally without vaccines. They disappeared for a reason and it wasn’t because they killed all available hosts.

Well, for Ebola they killed so fast that an entire village would be wiped out before they could spread. So in a way they did kill all available host.

I’m not aware of Ebola ever killing the entire population of a village. Perhaps a third at most. Do you have a link to this incident?

Anyway, this only serves to support the evolutionary hypothesis that viruses that are too deadly die out themselves.

America is not looking great from an international perspective

Here is what the CDC calls its “current best estimate” of chances of dying from the virus if you get infected:

1 out of 34,000 for ages 0 to 19;
1 out of 5,000 for ages 20 to 49;
1 out of 200 for ages 50 to 69; and
1 out of 20 for ages 70 and up.

Here’s another way to look at the same numbers. If you get infected, your chances of surviving are as follows:

Age Group: Probability of Survival

0-19: 99.9997%
20-49: 99.98%
50-69: 99.5%
70+: 94.6%

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The numbers’ game: if you don’t see it, it ain’t there

Deaths are not the only metric (although that is bad enough). Continuing chronic illness from Covid and hospital capacity are also serious issues.


But really bad luck if you’re one of people ending up dead!


This is a growing concern across a number of states

“The problem is, how do we care for you when you have an accident when we have an overflow of COVID patients?” Heywood said. “There’s only so much you can do before you start to overwhelm the system.”

27 deaths. Hospitals are possibly going to be overwhelmed. Again.

WASHINGTON — Of the flood of misinformation, conspiracy theories and falsehoods seeding the internet on the coronavirus, one common thread stands out: President Trump.

That is the conclusion of researchers at Cornell University who analyzed 38 million articles about the pandemic in English-language media around the world. Mentions of Mr. Trump made up nearly 38 percent of the overall “misinformation conversation,” making the president the largest driver of the “infodemic” — falsehoods involving the pandemic.

The study, to be released Thursday, is the first comprehensive examination of coronavirus misinformation in traditional and online media.

“The biggest surprise was that the president of the United States was the single largest driver of misinformation around Covid,” said Sarah Evanega, the director of the Cornell Alliance for Science and the study’s lead author. “That’s concerning in that there are real-world dire health implications.”


Will he see the irony?

But… but it’s just an illuminati conspiracy?? How do I end up getting sick? Must be them pinko communists!!



Clearly he got it from Biden due to the lousy way the latter has governed the country.


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