Coronavirus crisis open thread - March

I think it’s a possibility. We will probably never know. But it’s definitely possible with what we know and China’s record of this happening.


The tombs will still be there when the plague passes. Great grandma and grandpa will understand.

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Yes, should put the quarantine period to three weeks for Qingming to stop them coming back

These are the people that chose to go abroad during a pandemic because tickets are cheap. They probably didn’t choose to wear a mask on the plane and during their travels either. So… I won’t count on them being good little citizens.


I was hoping the quarantine would deter them from coming. Presumably most of them are working in China so won’t be able to get the time off.


Isn’t there a name-and-shame system in place for deterring this sort of behavior? Plus a big fine. I know I read it somewhere. I think even the stupidest of idiots will want to avoid that.

I was really worried my mom was going to insist on coming home for my grandma’s one year death event despite the virus, but she’s not going to travel. I imagine there are a lot of people with the sense to forgo all traveling considering the circumstances. Unfortunately there’s also bound to be some fuckwits who won’t.

Eh, in fairness, to me that’s what the tour guide should be doing - trying their best to get their charges home. (And then they should all be put in quarantine for a couple of weeks, of course!)

If they’re not careful, the family tomb will be a bit fuller, and grandma and grandpa will have prematurely joined the ancestors.

Surely there’s not going to be a rush home to Taiwan for Tomb Sweeping Day? That can’t happen this year, can it?

They can use some company. Places are already reserved.

Yeah, but not through Europe.

Cool. My grandmother still thinks that she needs to put all the cutlery back in the drawer during a lightning storm, in case the lightning comes in through a window, but she doesn’t have any evidence to support that either.


I would like to hope that the majority of Taiwanese people’s sense of self-preservation will supersede their desire to observe a cultural ritual that they could simply carry out at a later time.


Well, there is reason to believe that. We have been through it enough time though. Of course I dont have evidence, but I think its the reasonable answer.

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Might be the only option. A lot of routes are disappearing.

BTW Granny died peacefully in her sleep while in quarantine in Quanzhou. Simple cremation, simple funeral.

Would say I might visit the tomb but cannot make such promises.

In Taiwan, many people already started going to clean the ancestral sites, but not en masse. Funeral parlors and cemeteries are restricting entry, runing checks, limiting visitors.

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Is there some exact info on government reserves for emergency times? My (southeast European country) has it and doesn’t look good. It’s basically wheat, rice and spam for few months

I’m just glad my family did the tomb sweeping early this year to beat the crowds…

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I actually know a lot of people who did this, too.

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Bermuda triangle?

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Agreed but Turkey/Dubai other hubs are no longer at option.