Coronavirus crisis open thread - March

But like, own it. Shave that beautiful bald head. It looks so bad when you leave it like that, like there are tiny strands and it’s not like a full bald spot.

Or get a hair transplant, they can afford it.

and it’s also the worst job in the world right now when 99% of your work consists of shaking hands.

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Not everyone can carry it like Micheal Jordan.

Now back to our regular programing:

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You get to print you own motto like ’ just try it punk ’ or 'sars killer super squad ’

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These are who kids should be idolizing. Not instagram influencers or K-pop stars.

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Anyone knows about blood bank situation in taiwan? Are they fully stocked? I donated 3 weeks ago so can’t donate now, but I always worry if I someday need blood transfusion I would want blood banks to be full, I can only imagine people in need of blood now.


Last I heard they needed more blood donations.

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Will try to convince family/friends to go donate. I imagine if there is any lockdown we won’t be allowed to.

Saw a video of interviews with a bunch of college-aged spring breakers talking about how the party must go on. Love to accidentally kill my grandparents after a fun week in Miami.


if they not kill themselves first. lots of elderlies still using public transportation and having a nice time outdoors here like nothing has happened. it’s like they’re immune to everything :tired_face:

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The CDC boss has become an icon, I’m glad he got so much recognition.


The events are still running as normal. Just walked by past a sign for International Exchange students fair at the TWTC in the upcoming week. What is the CDC opinion on that? Do we go conglomerate without a worry in the world to those events? Last time I went to a fair like this (international travel fair) it was crazy full of people pushing everyone for lottery of keychains from hotel :nauseated_face:, and that was not corona season.

With 9000 active cases, and 64 in critical condition, I think it’s safe to say that the US medical system is on the brink of being overwhelmed. If the surge of the so called “viral pneumonia” in the last couple of weeks are also COVID-19 cases, they are probably out of negative pressure isolation rooms already.


Yes so let’s do our part and stay at home for a while

only 9000 cases in a big country like the us and it’s already overwhelmed…
but i believe you, swiss government has said yesterday, if the numbers keep piling up there will be no more beds available in hospital at the start of next week. and italy already has chinese experts coming for help with ventilators in exchange for whatever. probably venice :sweat_smile:

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Racism, obesity, (gun violence), and mental health are all public health concerns.

Minorities do end up in worse health conditions overall due to higher stress, lower wages, lack of care, and, in the case of black women, a common belief that their pain tolerance is higher so they don’t needed to be treated as carefully as other (aka white) people in the same condition.

Promoting bike paths encourages people to remain active, which is one step towards fighting obesity, which no one should argue isn’t a public health crisis with over 40% of Americans being obese.

The CDC also has a whole school/teacher lesson (unit) plan on zombie preparedness. Don’t tell me that was a waste of resources. I’ve used it every year I’ve taught 8th grade here cuz it’s way more engaging to teach kids how to always be prepped for zombies than an earthquake. Not to mention anyone panicking about resources here was warned-- you should always have a supply of non-perishable foods and other necessities on hand, regardless of the emergency!

The reality is that every administration in the past 30 or so years has seen the CDC as an easy “get rid of 'em” department. That is, until disaster strikes.

There was tons of money that went in to fighting bioweapons following anthrax. (Bush administration)

And about a year later, they decided it wasn’t a threat anymore and stopped funding it. (also Bush)

Money poured in for Ebola research, but as soon as the US gov saw it as not a threat, they tried to slash that budge too. (Obama) Now we’re using the remaining Ebola money to fight COVID19 (Trump). How will that go over if Ebola gets out of control during these trying times?

I will not say the CDC has used its resources well or responded to every health emergency the way it should have been handled. If they were exploiting their budget to build Japanese gardens, the Trump administration could have slashed the “excess” spending of the budget and, if stripping the department to the bones, left the only team the country had in place to respond to a pandemic that was only a matter of “when, not if”. Instead, they cut the emergency response team and ignored their warnings.


The cure