Coronavirus crisis open thread - March

It’s not their fault you don’t get the hint. /s

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Are Taipei City sports centers still open?

Taipei City still open (have to present ID), New Taipei closed.


There are different apps you can use to limit time; on my iMac I use something called 1Focus. I set a blacklist of applications and websites, press a timer, and I can’t access those things for X minutes / hours. Forest on iOS (and I think Android?) is similar, but a bit more blanket: you just can’t use your phone unless you’re willing to kill a cute little tree growing on your screen. Quite useful when trying to focus, or avoid stressful geysers of news.

Not a panacea of course. Right now my phone is reminding me every five minutes to get off the computer for the night. I don’t seem to be listening.

From a personal account @hansioux already linked to upthread:

A message was received later at 20:30 asked me to report back to an after hour number. I rang back and asked why as I did not breach any rule. “You might have lost signal temporarily or did not make any movement for extended period of time so the system thought you might have left your phone at home and we can not risk you going out.”

But I guess that an immobile phone isn’t considered a problem late at night. Still, they seem really on the ball for this.


I already know 5 or 6 who likely have it and expect that number to rise a lot more. Luckily mostly mild.

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Be nice!


I think another post somewhere spelt out how the tracking works. Along the lines of Location set on, and they seem to be able to Geo-Cache? the address that you supply…and if the phone strays to another tower…Bingo.

In Taiwan?

Almost certainly nothing to do with that and more to do with not having the money, facilities or infrastructure to do tests. They’ll likely be just as swamped with cases as Europe if not more.


No don’t worry. 2 friends in America, 3 in UK and 1 in Germany all say they’re showing all symptoms. None confirmed positive so could of course be something else, doctors have told most they likely have it but can’t test.


That’s insane.

As if the coronavirus wasn’t enough


Hopefully it’ll go like this (except for the “stop smoking” part if you don’t smoke):

Edited to add: @SuiGeneris, the “Like” I gave your post doesn’t mean I like it that you feel sick and worried; it means I like it that you told us about it. :slight_smile:


If you like to know more about how mobile tracking works you can google
AFLT (Advanced Forward Link Trilateration).

I am glad to be in Taiwan. An awesome government.

I’m not sure about that? I think it refers to the following paragraph from this study:

There were 1070 specimens collected from 205 patients with COVID-19 who were a mean age of 44 years (range, 5-67 years) and 68% male. Most of the patients presented with fever, dry cough, and fatigue; 19% of patients had severe illness. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid specimens showed the highest positive rates (14 of 15; 93%), followed by sputum (72 of 104; 72%), nasal swabs (5 of 8; 63%), fibrobronchoscope brush biopsy (6 of 13; 46%), pharyngeal swabs (126 of 398; 32%), feces (44 of 153; 29%), and blood (3 of 307; 1%). None of the 72 urine specimens tested positive.

Where the important numbers are the percentages in parentheses, i.e., only 29% of fecal samples from coronavirus patients tested positive by PCR under this method. The results could be different if you’re referring to a different type of assay, though.


The power of social distancing


Oh no


Think positive. You just saved 800NT


Once the herd immunity thing kicks in, BJ will have a country of Ubermensch immune to the chinese flying aids and he’ll reestablish the British Empire. That was the plan all along, the corona virus is an MI6 psy ops.