Coronavirus crisis open thread - March

A while back Kaiser Permanente declared that masks are no longer necessary protective gear when treating COVID-19 patients, and stopped issuing masks. So nurses began bring their own N95 masks to work. Now, Kaiser Permanente is threatening to fire nurses for wearing their own masks.


I meant what I wrote. I don’t recall any “crowded space” caveats (Singapore, then) and I don’t believe there were any. Of course they probably did this because they didn’t have enough masks, rather than due to justified reservations about effectiveness.

WAIT A SECOND…in that map Taiwan is clearly listed separately from china, yet it’s not in the top15 countries for demand of instant noodles? In the extended list we’re on 16th place, how can we be behind Nepal?


See. Meio II-TA-LEE.

I sometimes take my chicken for a walk. It’s in a KFC bucket though.


I categorize all countries in the top 15, such as China, Japan, USA, Korea etc to the instant noodles group, as well as Taiwan and Singapore .

regardless, still a great place though. although the day will come where the city will be 100% new buildings and chain stores with nothing remaining of the history and culture. the CCP will be happy with it but it will be a loss.

lol, the bund is going nowhere.

Goodness gracious, why are the penny counters so irresponsible? This is not a gamble with other people´s lives, but a certainty that without equipment, they will get sick. I feel so much pain for them.

I have family working as doctors and nurses and this is definitively not right.

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The skeptic in me has a knee jerk reaction of “this guy is on the CCP´s payola”. China recovery my foot. they are barely opening up as it is.

i really hope when this is over. the nurses whether in hospitals, nursing homes etc. will get a huge salary raise, everywhere! because they are underpaid, understaffed and overworked everywhere in the world. and no, i don’t want this to be another political debate, but privatizing medical care is just such an odd thought. the same as whether water should be privatized…


Nothing would make me want to live in Wuhan & environs (also known as Mainland China).

Do they still report zero new cases?


00:12: China’s National Health Commission reports 47 new cases and 1 new death across the mainland, excluding Hubei province. All of the new cases originated in a foreign country. Of those, 19 are in Shanghai and 5 in Beijing. (Source)

00:12: 3 new deaths in Hubei province, China. There were no new cases. (Source)


They’re just trying to copy us now.


9th of April: China’s National Health Commission reports 5.478.829 new cases in Hubei province. All of the new cases originated in a foreign country.

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And Kaiser Permanente is supposed to be one of the “better” HMOs… :rage:

They have no idea how they got it either…

Why is the media taking China’s word at the numbers?

If Xi told me I had a hole in my arse I’d grab a mirror to check.


Ireland currently has more cases per capita than the UK. Over twice as many.

It’s not obvious that Ireland is in a much better state.

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