Coronavirus crisis open thread - March

Unless they’ve stayed indoors without touching any foreign objects 24 hours a day for the past 14 days, then of course, there’s a decent chance to contract it. There’s already community spread in the US. There was no containment and mitigation has already failed.

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Yeah, I know, “better” and “HMO” in the same sentence…

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You that actor in the gif used to be a doctor at Kaiser?

Didn’t know that. Not surprising considering how huge they are though.

Non wonder Ken Jeong left to become a Spanish teacher at GCC.

Well, maybe it’s not completely without precedent (although I have to admit that my example below, of New Orleans in the old days, is not exactly on point):

Leah Donnella, “How Yellow Fever Turned New Orleans Into The ‘City Of The Dead,’” discussion with scholar Kathryn Olivarius, in All Things Considered, National Public Radio, October 31, 2018

*Here “acclimated” means “having survived yellow fever.” (my note)

I’m not surprised. It’s a combination of intelligent leadership, intelligent citizens, acting quickly with hundreds of preventative measures, working together for the common good.

The US has tons of stupid people. They also care a lot more about freedom to do whatever they want without any consequences. This will reflect in the leaders they elect, whom are also stupid, selfish and only care about themselves, winning, and having status and power. The government doesn’t care about its citizens, and the citizens don’t care about each other. It’s just everyone out for themselves.

What happened to naming diseases by location being racist?


Coronavirus: Denver mayor forced to reverse lockdown of alcohol and marijuana shops following panic buying

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Should have been done without notice, no wonder they had a lineup.


I don’t even think social responsibility is even a thing for Americans. I mean they’re used to everyone doing everything for them. Schools don’t make kids clean the school classroom or bathroom or make them mow the yard. They really should. In addition to saving money it would teach social responsibility.

But baby boomers had it made so they never taught their kids to be responsible.

They were paying me 5k USD to teach, so…haha…;;

Yeah, those boomers had it made in the shade.

My future king! (Er, maybe.) Prince Charles has coronavirus!


This could solve the Charles as King!?! issue. Might get William instead.


I didn’t know you were from Britland.

You’re already starting to backslide. :slightly_smiling_face: Wait, I take that back. Maybe this is more like the patch for smokers. I’m done, apologies, please carry on. :+1:

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