Coronavirus crisis open thread - March

1.38% overall death rate, That’s higher than I guessed it would end up.

It will be interesting to see how things pan out in Sweden. They seem to be the only developed country that isn’t doing anything much to stop the spread. Whether they end up in catastrophe or no worse off than countries that went into lockdown will be useful for deciding what to do next winter - assuming there’s still no vaccine.

EDIT: When undetected cases are included the overall death rate is 0.66%.


Czechia is now reporting the curve being flattened after civic mask making and wearing movements prompted the government to issue a mandatory public space mask wearing order.

Most of their masks are made out of cloth. However, reducing possible received viral load together with social distancing seems to do a decent job.

Czechia numbers were rapid growing just prior to the order. Despite the government ordering masks from China, those orders either fell through or the masks were defective.

Of course the Chinese companies denies their masks were faulty.

In mid-March, Czech police raided a warehouse owned by a local Chinese merchant, and confiscated 680K surgical masks, and 28K N95s. Most of the masks were supposed to be delivered from China to Italy through the Red Cross.

We need all these things to combat this virus.


Has Taiwan conducted rigorous testing regardless of symptoms?


Nope. “Masks for all” is debatable too.

These shortcomings are going to be Taiwan’s Achilles’ heel through out April.


Sad news

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[quote=“SuperS54, post:5446, topic:189162”]

Taiwan got an early start and did three of the four “essential” things. The early start has made all the difference, even though “rigorous testing (regardless of symptoms)” has not occurred. But this is being debated now and recommended. I’ll provide a link if I can find that article.

Edit: The link about mass testing recommendation.


Still staggers me that people keep slagging Taiwan every chance they get.


I cycled over the golden gate bridge once Tommy , great ride!
Well I know you may be worried now but still you may also be able to create a few nice memories out of this too.

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Well it’s pretty much true. Even Japan and Korea have struggled to get enough masks. Taiwan is now making 10 million a day and people by and large wear masks.

I don’t know what’s it like in Taipei because I haven’t visited since January, but people aren’t wearing masks anymore in Hsinchu that’s for sure. Even though my company regulated that EVERYONE must wear a mask at work at all times, in my office area, a pretty small confined office, people have stopped wearing masks, and these are highly educated people.

Even less people are wearing masks out and about.

Oh yeah, and went in the elevator one morning, and saw the company’s CEO happened to be in the elevator already. He’s a frail men in his 70s, and was standing in front a giant “Must wear mask in the elevator” sign on the elevator wall, and he was not wearing a mask.

If the CDC doesn’t issue an order for Taiwan to do #Maskforall, and have some kind of penalty for it, fatigue has already set in and people are pretending this virus is under control and they don’t have to worry about it.

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Watch it on 2x speed with subs and you can get the info in half the time.

spoiler alert: he admits he doesn’t hate certain people that he loves to hate. Not the OrangeMan though. No mention of BJ.

Interesting. What I see now in Taoyuan, at least by where I work and my home, is at least 75% of folks wearing masks while outside/on scooters, and 90%+ wearing them while inside buildings.

With the students at my uni it’s around 50% wearing masks.

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The problem with masks in places like the US: There aren’t enough for medical people as it is.

There’s a box of N95’s in my parents house that I bought a few years back that didn’t make it to back to TW with me. It got shoved in some closet and I hadn’t had a need for them because I started wearing a Vogmask.

I suggested they start wearing them when they go out. (Everyone in my family piled into my parents’ house in the 'burbs starting weeks back to get out of the big cities. Shout out to my family for listening to me!)

My mom said they would probably be shot if they were seen wearing them. I don’t think that’s an exaggeration.

My youngest sister, future forensic pathologist and well-versed in PPE use that she is, was not happy to hear that there were 10 whole N95s in their house that weren’t going to medical professionals at the moment. I told her she’s welcome to donate them where she thinks they’re needed :wink:

Try telling Americans to wear masks when the people delivering babies are wearing handkerchiefs over their faces. And if China is purposely dirtying up masks with their shoes… f*@% them.

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Yes, but trying it solve it by lying to people that masks don’t work and may even cause infections is plain covidiotic.

If the lack of masks is an issue, you resolve that issue by apologizing to the public and medical professionals that you were prepared despite having ample time to get prepared, and ask the public to leave medical masks for the medical professionals.

Then you have the president use his emergency powers (which he already declared) and start regulating the distribution of masks, tell the public to make cloth masks while the government ramps up PPE and ventilators production by asking companies to help out.

Then when you finally have enough masks, you ration them to the public like what we have here in Taiwan.

That way when you finally have enough masks people would actually put them on and stop this virus.


I would think the strays are doing a pretty good job of social distancing themselves from people. Stop spreading rumors. If your news source has the world China in its name, it’s not worth sharing unless the propaganda is so blatantly obvious that it’s actually hilarious.


All social distancing models simulated.

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