Coronavirus crisis open thread - March

I am going to Germany :sob:

It’s disastrous not ridiculous. I’m afraid you may be right about the others, their case numbers are rising way too quickly. On the weekend that Italy was preparing for lockdown Ireland and the UK were welcoming many Italians without any screening whatsoever. :neutral_face:


I think I can leave still. Taiwan “embassy” emailed me saying they will help if I need to get out and come back to the fatherland.



Approximately 113,579 cases worldwide; 607 cases in the U.S. as of Mar. 9, 2020.

Estimated 1 billion cases worldwide; 9.3 million to 45 million cases in the U.S. per year.


Approximately 3,995 deaths reported worldwide; 22 deaths in the U.S., as of Mar. 9, 2020.

291,000 to 646,000 deaths worldwide; 12,000 to 61,000 deaths in the U.S. per year.


just making it real


We believe in you! You can make it.

Italy right now


Ya, last year’s quarantine season was terrible on the Chinese economy. This year, they’re just overreacting.

KLM allows to convert my flight to a voucher valid for one year. Most airlines allow to change flight dates without charge.

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I’d be more interested in a comparison of how much Covid-19 has increased in the past three months, versus how much the flu has spread in the past three months. I’d guess flu rates now are about what they were in December. The same can’t be said of Covid-19 - and what’s going to be happening over the next few months?

Keep in mind that Covid19 is new so no vaccine. The same can’t be said for flu.

I don’t think we can make a valid comparison (vs flu) of the lethality of Covid19 to the population of humans until there’s a vaccine.

Also, afaik we don’t know much (yet) about an individual’s immunity to further infections by Covid19 (not mutated so apples to apples).


I’m sorry, but someone had to do it…


Andrew seems like a good guy. I won’t press the F…yet :cold_sweat:

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It’s exactly because he’s a good guy that we press F.
He deserves to be paid respect!

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If it does not work out, just tell us how much toilet paper you need! Forumosans can all chime in. Everyone should go with dignity.

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The new factory building was converted into an apartment, and the apartment was changed to a hotel. The hotel privately added a floor and a half.

This sounds familiar…

I think we’re making the same point? Covid-19 is scarier than the flu because we have no idea what’s going to happen, and a significant range of possibilities have the impacts as far worse than the background flu deaths. The flu is less scary because it’s predictable, and most developed-world health systems are already set up to manage the annual outbreaks. Until we know a heck of a lot more, comparisons to the flu aren’t really that helpful.


Cultural enrichment :white_check_mark:
Diversity :white_check_mark:
Protection from being called racist :white_check_mark:

Flying Aids :negative_squared_cross_mark:

Looks like the pros outweigh the cons!


Anybody else remember going to a Pox Party as a kid? Maybe that’s the thinking here?


You do know that had Trump and most of the western worlds had taken this thing seriously and told people to minimize contacts, cancel large events, delay schools, and don’t lie to the people about masks, and in the meanwhile ban the export of masks and work on expanding mask production within the country, then people don’t have to die, right?

You know that right? Right?


No, I don’t know that wearing masks means people don’t have to die or that the Western world was lying to the people about masks.

Ok but what would have been the implications if world leaders went against the narrative of the WHO?

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