Coronavirus Open Thread 2022

But that’s not what Moon is proposing.

Even with infected persons recovering at home (this is the main change here), the family members in that household are subject to very specific restrictions about where they can go and what they can do.

It looks vastly different to me from the Oregon-style free-for-all described vividly by @QuaSaShao .


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My goodness. It’s almost as if he’s come to the same conclusion as all those doctors and pandemic-preparedness experts who said exactly the same thing two years ago. You know, before governments worldwide decided they were going to leverage excessive fear to make things 200 times worse than they needed to be.

Better late than never, I suppose.


This is awful, but quite frankly, it’s up to pilots to just stand up the way truckers are standing up. Tell the planet that this shit stops today, or the planes stop flying. All the planes. Let’s see how long “the pandemic” lasts when the big boys club aren’t getting their caviar and oysters flown in on schedule.

It truly is bizarre. While China is China - 4000 years of dictatorships, one after the other - since when did civilized countries allow detention without trial in order to “protect the health service” from a minor bump in caseload (which doesn’t even work)? If anyone can think of a plausible explanation other than the world losing its collective marbles, I’d really like to hear it.


They’ll be miffed!

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They will be miffed. But I was thinking more along the lines of:


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To offset the potential Big Boys’ tears, due to lack of appropriate nutrition, I have no doubt that the fully vaxxed/ up-to-date peoples - of places such as the American Republic of San Theodoros - will thank the General at the next “election,” for keeping them safe during Covid!

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Triple vaxxed only for Melbourne

He might be able to enforce a 3 shot mandate after they have cleared Immigration and Customs at Melbourne Airport, but given that road borders are no longer monitored there wont be anything to stop a person who arrived into Sydney and then travels on to Melbourne by Road, or even possibly Domestic Air (though Airlines will have their own policy).

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Will be interesting to see if the harbor pilots make a stink about one of their own getting fined. Even more so than airline pilots they could get their voices heard fast. After a couple container ships skip taiwan because of no pilots the situation will be fixed fast.

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Just a summary update on recorded vaccine injuries and deaths logged so far in the EU (EudraVigilance) and the USA (VAERS), as of this week. Total vaccines doses administered is now 10.2 billion.

Injuries 3,392,632 4,986,087 8,378,719
Deaths 37,927 21,745 59,672

Most other countries are making no attempt to track these events at all - or at least not publicising the information that they have - so this is the only indication we have as to the safety of the COVID vaccines.

A sizeable majority of adverse events are attributed to Pfizer. Anyone know if this is due to market dominance?

Supposedly, of course, none of these 8.4 million adverse events and 60,000 deaths have anything to do with the vaccines themselves - and indeed we really don’t know if they are, because nobody has attempted to find out one way or the other. You would think 8.4 million complaints would elicit a bit of investigation if you were selling a pair of shoelaces; the fact that such complaints are being ignored for an experimental drug is … odd, to say the least.


When even Fauci is saying it…

Not showing up in preview, so

Fauci Says ‘Full Blown’ Pandemic Phase Is Ending

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It has hit the fan in Hong Kong today. Restrictions getting tighter.


Who? Where?

Another story about HK quarantine

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HK doesn’t even pretend to have human rights anymore. Quite the fall from grace.

I was reading that a lot of foreign professionals are leaving due to all the restrictions but I assume that was part of the end game anyway.


@QuaSaShao is speaking about Oregon, or a portion of the population of that state.


As of Wednesday, bars and restaurants will be allowed to stay open after 11 p.m. again, and with no limits on the number of guests. Attendance limits for larger indoor venues were also lifted, as was the use of vaccine passes.

Reuters just had to add the part in the headline after the comma…you know… just to maintain the scare tactics somewhat.


The Covid Chronicles Movie

Ivor Cummins (The Fat Emperor)
Prof John Lee (United Kingdom)
Prof Michael Levitt (Stanford USA)
Prof Beda M Stadler (Switzerland)
Dr. Aseem Malhotra (United Kingdom)

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A post was merged into an existing topic: COVID-19, Vitamin D, and Taiwan