Coronavirus Open Thread (October-December 2020)

Fighting for freedom.

What age groups were involved?

We’re going to be getting a lot of this. There’s some serious coin to be made.

90%, 95%. Any bets on the next one being 98% effective?

Some of you guys did not have to show you did not have digestive parasites, which means testing of number 2s.

Different requisites for different places.

I was just about to post this. I think you’re underplaying it if anything. This isn’t “some good news.” This is THE BEST NEWS!!! :smiley: :champagne: :clinking_glasses:

A couple months ago Fauci was saying a vaccine with 50-60% effectiveness might be all we could hope for, but now we have TWO vaccines with 95% effectiveness. That’s incredible. Everyone who worked on this deserves a medal!


Indeed. In the old country, traffic accidents are usually number 2 or 3 on the list.

In spite if restrictions, they have still managed to kill themselves like 10 at a time in less traffic.

And it doesn’t need freezing.

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Wow, even better.

We are really going to beat this fucking thing. As long as covidiots actually take the vaccine like responsible adults and not refuse it like selfish asses.

Can’t remember if it was Mexico or Spain, where 70% of surveyed said they would take the vaccine. Given the amount of deaths in either place…sigh…

Watching DW, awful situation in Italian hospitals…and young people flocking to San Marino, because “everything is closed in Italy while in San Marino everything is open”. Double sigh… headpalm…

Still waiting for more details. I think it goes without saying that theres money to be made from many different angles, this is hardly surprising.

I’m just pleased to see that things are advancing.

QAnon will probably spread their usual rumors about the vaccine being poison and these “mah free-dumb” shitheads will refuse to take it. The same ones who refuse to wear masks with over a million dead.

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They’re not fighting for freedom, they’re just grade a morons. And if it wasn’t coronavirus, they’d be protesting about something else.

My hometown had a lockdown protest a week ago and was covered by the local rag. 30 people turned up. I went to school with two of them - they don’t have a braincell between them.

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Quite, science is getting us there despite the relentless naysayers.


Twice the death rate is a very significant impact on health and safety. Then you’ve got to analyse the impact in health and sick leave.

-20C is freezing.

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Not only that they are experimental technologies.that may have a very large impact on human health, genetic medicine.


2x a very small number is still a very small number. And quite frankly I’d say it’d have buggerall impact on H&S. A bit of de-staffing is precisely what the NHS needs. 3 million people? FFS. With a bit of luck COVID-19 targeted all the waste-of-space pen-pushers and managers and left the doctors alone.

Relative measures are a primary method used in research papers to inflate measurements that have no real-world meaning. I dislike them. “650 deaths” is more honest. It has meaning to the people who died, and their families, but the sky is not falling. To take a random example, 1,900 people died in UK road accidents last year. A napkin calculation suggests ~100 of them were NHS employees. Probably another 1000 experienced life-altering injuries (5% of 25,000). Does anyone give a rat’s ass? Are health workers demanding that the government do something about their safety on the roads? I think not.

It is not -70 as the other one.

I find it disturbing that the only people left with a bit of commonsense are the people who failed highschool, while the Eton toffs are floundering in a river of crap of their own making.

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Not if you were a health and safety official or a union boss or a front line worker who is overweight or over 50 or 60. Also couples that both work the wards. Then none of this is imaginary but very real.