Coronavirus - Taiwan 2021

Offer 10 Line Points or a 7-11 discount. People would go crazy for it. They should have given people a 500 coupon to get a vaccine and there would have been riots to get jabs. None for foreigners until almost the end, and then only for APRC holders.


Even if the next words are “seriously, though” indicating the preceding was not serious?

I don’t remember buttons playing a large part in any. I didn’t mean to imply the app was an indication of a coming Orwellian state. I have it myself. I was trying to be silly, just a little, but these are silly days and I’m not good at it.

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Ah okay. My bad. Apologies for the misunderstanding.


It’s fine. You naturally turned out after the first word.


I got the alert and I don’t live and have not visited that area of the city this month so I think the 600,000 number might include people like me that didn’t need the alert, but got it anyway.

For reference: I live about a km East of Taipei Main.

Ha, I think we have a few of the Freedom Warriors in ourranks though

I either haven’t seen them, ignored them, or have their accounts on ignore.

My wife just said 20 cases today, including one in Kaohsiung. Don’t know where she got the info from, but she’s usually reliable with this stuff. :disappointed:


Confirmed…over 20 new cases.


Now that’s weird. Is he appealing for the Taipei ren to come for testing?

If you haven’t caught up yet the scare campaign is being used to have Taiwan fully vaccinated faster. Taiwanese are not willing to vaccinate and the government knows that. Talk to anyone out of your circle and you will see. We need people vaccinated or we will be the only country left behind meanwhile everywhere else is recovering. Taiwanese folks are stubborn and will only vaccinate for self benefit or fear. Since the benefit strategy didn’t work, government will instill fear in them.

I believe they will test more after the high school exam and more positives will appear more people will be in fear and go get the vaccination. Or they might wait until after 5/20 to not interfere in the president event thing.

I was there for 5 min during one of the days and got the alert. Pretty insane if they can pin down to this level of accuracy.

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Im resigned to high restrictions, if not a lockdown now. Just seems to be a matter of when.

But it’s only 1:30. Press conference isn’t until 2:00.

If there were vaccines available.

The leakers to the press make some extra money to get a scoop out.

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Assuming it is a media leak

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Let’s face it, Taiwan’s vaccine acquisition and rollout has been shit.

Ordered late. Didn’t order enough. Didn’t promote the vaccines enough. Didn’t implement mandatory vaccinations for pilots and medical workers.

Then, the rollout itself is bogged down needless beaurocracy. It shouldn’t take close to 2 hours to get a jab when places like UK are doing it in 5 minutes. Get rid of the red tape and faff.


If Taiwan was connected to a landmass there would be total chaos right now.

Setup a stall outside Dr. Chen. Have a NHI card reader kept there. Swipe, jab, repeat …


Yes. Testing centers are being set up, and people who were in the Wanhua danger zone and experiencing symptoms are also being encouraged to come in for testing.

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No mention yet if they’ve reduced the ridiculous price of testing

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