Coronavirus - Taiwan 2021

Elementary school student in Taichung tests positive. Student goes to school at Chongqing Elementary School (重慶國小).

More information on this case to be announced in tomorrow’s Taichung city presser.

Really close to where my friend works…

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They extended the number if days to get to level 4 to 14. This is at the whims of the bosses.

I am really not sure they did, I kind of remember that it was already like this last week, but I don’t have historical data for this (I just know that the CECC official made a mistake in the press conference).

Note that 7 days of data might be a reasonable base to make a different decision. Those levels are a simplification of epidemiologic models and those models evolve with incoming data and qualitative information.

In either case, 7 or 14 days, it will have zero effect on the decision they make today or tomorrow, so that does not really help your argument.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

As I thought. This is flexible? Some asshat deserves the Order of Lenin for this innovative thinking.

In an attempt to disperse commuters during rush hours and decrease the risk of COVID-19 spread, the DPGA announced Sunday that it will allow civil servants in the twin cities to arrive at their workplaces between 7:30-10:00 a.m. and leave between 4:30-7:00 p.m. It expressed hope that the new working arrangements will help reduce the number of people taking public transportation at the same time.
Taipei, New Taipei introduce flexible working hours for civil servants | Taiwan News | 2021-05-16 16:48:00

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No but that doesn’t not mean :yarn: :eyes:. The number of beds we’ve run out of does not match the number of cases. It is simple subtraction

I’m going to hope so. But why would they be taking up beds for covid if they’re not positive?

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Another user posted something similar to you somewhere upthread (a friend working in a hospital sharing something about a shocking number of positive results). Both anecdotal of course, but alarming nonetheless. Some things I find difficult to reconcile:

  • I have no reason to believe that either you or the other regular poster would make this up, or that your friends would fake some evidence to convince you, so I’m inclined to tentatively believe these reports. If what you’re both reporting is true, it seems likely that it would be common knowledge in the medical community.
  • If at least two Forumosans are receiving these reports, it seems likely that they’re being widely shared among Taiwanese and would ultimately reach the media.
  • I assume that large numbers of positive test results at major hospitals would be shared with the CDC pretty quickly.
  • I have no reason to believe that the CDC would conceal the information or not try to act quickly, given their efforts to date (especially if these reports are already being shared as suggested above). This seems to (i) suggest that we’ll hear something about it tomorrow (e.g., see a large surge in cases) and (ii) makes me confused why people are still heading off to work in a few hours (which would reflect badly on the CDC).

:yarn: :eyes: = “pulling the wool over your eyes”? :thinking:

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They are swamped for testing, panic folk, moving patients,…plus regular illness. Basically 12 hour shifts. They were tight before.

Taida doctor suggests avoiding going to hospital unless really necessary.


That was the intention

I do hope you’re right

I also have doctor and nurse friends. Normal shifts are insane. Seeing 300 patients in a day is a regular thing.

For your perusal:


Simpler version:

  1. Stay home as much as you can.
  2. When you go out, wear a mask.
  3. Avoid coming into close contact with other people, especially over extended periods of time.

No app needed.


Don’t think the other posters said that all of these people were being admitted? I’d guess there’s already high utilization of hospital beds to begin with. As we saw in other countries it doesn’t take a huge amount of cases to put severe strain on hospital systems.

Thanks for posting. I just gave in and installed it.

However, I’d like to formally note that, if I read somewhere that these coupons aren’t available to foreigners, I’m going to delete the app in protest then spend a day riding around on the MRT without washing my hands once. :roll_eyes:


That . . . is probably not in your best interests. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks for that @Icon. Is there a link for where that came from, just so I can bookmark it and refer back to it later? With this speed this thread moves, it’ll be buried pretty fast.

You can bookmark a post with the icon under the ellipsis icon. Or through the direct link under the timestamp at top right.

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Thanks - yeah, I know how to do that for specific posts, but I was also hoping to have a look at the source (which may have other useful information). Plus I’m unsure how “stable” links to specific posts are - do they persist if the thread gets broken up or renamed?

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Taiwan bosses are not going to let the government force working from home, and in the end it’s going to slow everything down


Look, I’m down for a good antidiscrimination fight, but this is not the time and place for it. Especially when it is a raffle to begin with.