Coronavirus - Taiwan 2021

It seems we are moving into level 3.5 or something with most stuff being shut including recreational areas. If that’s the case I’d almost rather Level 4 full lockdown for two weeks but I also wouldn’t want that to go on for longer than that.

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You never piss outside?
You might be the first dude I’ve ever met that doesn’t. That ease of relief is what separates us from the women. :grin:


Not in a public park. If I’m on a walk in the middle of nowhere, I’d do a piss on a bush or a tree if there wasn’t a toilet around.

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Hey guys, please refrain from the pissing contest.


Agreed. Dragging things with partially enforced rules that apply some of the time to some of the people will simply keep this dragging out until people are vaccinated. Personally, I would rather have a Wuhan-style lockdown for two weeks than having the beaches closed “for safety” for the next half year.


Go out now and get yourself a very short haircut.
Who knows what could be shut down and how long it could last.
Women in the U.S. and elsewhere had the hardest time dealing with their hair growing out in ways they hadn’t seen before. Many were giving themselves haircuts with their own scissors.


If there are children around that’s grounds for a sex offense charge in the US.

You make it sound like a horror movie. Jesus. Is not having a haircut so terrifying?



That’s insane. I think that says more about attitudes in the U.S. than anything else…

(I mean, obviously, it’s preferable to avoid peeing next to random strangers, children or not, but still.)

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The US is not exactly a hallmark of logic. A convoluted mess of neo-fascism, political correctness and outrage makes for a fine pickle.


I think this works nicely for the far left and the far right, was that the point?

Not for guys… but maybe for the women.

I’m pleased to see that the percentage of people flouting the mask-wearing mandate seems to be falling with each passing day. With a few days of strict enforcement, no-exception imposition of fines, and forceful exertion of social pressure on the non-maskers, compliance should become near universal.

I had to sternly harangue three old people (two women and a man, looked to be in their 60s or 70s) for not wearing masks when I took my regular early morning walk along a trail through a wooded valley near my home this morning. I came upon these loudly yacking oldies in front of a small wayside temple. They were all brazenly maskless, with no masks in sight even on their chins, and showed no sign of reaching for masks when they saw me approaching. I stopped some way from them and asked 你們怎麼不戴口罩? (“How come you’re not wearing masks?”) One of the women titteringly echoed “不戴口罩” in what might have been intended as a sneer at a foreigner speaking Chinese.

So instead of leaving it at that, and walking on past with a condemnatory tut-tutting and shaking of my head, as I’d initially intended, I was provoked into launching a stern lecture. I asked them if they didn’t know that anyone not wearing a mask in public was subject to a fine of NT$15,000, and that Mayor Hou had ordered the police to strictly impose fines on all transgressors, with no more mere warnings. They meekly nodded and said yes, they did know. I lectured them about everyone having a responsibility to follow the rules to curb the spread of the virus. I ended by remarking that Mayor Hou had asked members of the public to photograph violators and report them to the authorities, and said I wouldn’t do so this time, but if there was a next time …

Before I finished, they were looking very sheepish, fishing out and donning masks. They probably took them off again as soon as I was out of sight and, once I was out of earshot, likely muttered racist sentiments about bloody foreigners needing to mind their own business, it’s not their country (though I’m as much a citizen as they are), and I should go back to where I came from if I didn’t like the local ways. But I’m glad I took them to task, and won’t hesitate to do the same again.


Thank you for that. There were people in the elevator not wearing masks this morning, but I was too afraid to speak and breath in more of that elevator air…

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Jesus! Take them to task! It’s this type of bullshit that’s going to lead to our downfall.
There was an old woman outside last night waiting for the garbage truck. No mask. The wife barked at her. Guess what happened?
She pulled her T-shirt up over her head in embarrassment, and she wasn’t wearing a bra.
Jesus wept.


I think you’ll need to come up with a better story if you want to convince people of the virtues of demanding elderly people wear masks… :nauseated_face:


That’s what your wife gets for picking on low hanging fruits. :melon: :melon:


Nothing weird ever happens to me here. I’ve heard of all kinds of stories but nothing personally has ever happened to me. I wonder if some people attract weirdness. I bet you have more stories. It always seems to work out that way. Not that I would want any weirdness and especially this particular kind of weirdness.