Coronavirus - Taiwan 2021

Medium to long term treating electorates as children to be managed backfires, IMO. Doing that has contributed to the anti-vacc movement.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Coronavirus Funny Pictures etc. (political too)


I think I suggested elsewhere that the conspiracy theories about vaccines probably have their root in government fearmongering. You treat people like children and they’ll act like children.

It’s actually been quite an education to watch this play out. A whole bunch of stuff that I learned from boring academic textbooks, right here in a real-life experiment. The psychology literature should benefit enormously.


Are your students all 90 years old?that is crazy


Predominantly 18 or 19.

Even if they were, 20% would not be their risk of dying of COVID. Over a 12-month period, a 90-year-old already has an all-cause risk of about 20%. The risk of dying of coronavirus is contingent on catching coronavirus, ie., about 10% given widespread presence of the virus. The net result is that a 90-year-old in the middle of a COVID pandemic has something like a 25% risk of dying.

There is such much humorous finger wagging posts I can’t stop reading. :grin:

There is going to be conflict if all information is used from trawling the net and no real life observation and truths.

Don’t believe everything you read my parents told me, how right was they.

You’re getting your turn-of-the-century disasters mixed up.

I actually saw the Russia plane on the tarmac.
Was on the military base (at that time).
Have pics of it somewhere (back in pre-DSC days).
And yes, should be 921 earthquake.

Since a lot of people seem to do this I’m just curious, why not prepare food at home? I could be wrong, but I think you’re married. That would get expensive for two people Isn’t it just easier, cheaper, and safer to fix your own food? And better than microwaved food. I know it’s just the lifestyle here, and it’s hard to find an apartment with a proper kitchen, but I couldn’t live like that.


Does the CECC still have operational contact tracing?

I. Woman tested positive.
II. Her husband decided to go into work because, HEY, told him not to and you gotta go to work and, YOU KNOW, he didn’t have a fever.
III. He was in a room with several people, one of which I’ve been in contact with.

The spread, from back-of-envelop kind of numbers would be…a hundred or so people, none of whom have been contacted so, HEY, why not go to work and, YOU KNOW, they don’t have a fever.

I’m already working from home and fine isolating for a week or so but would you volunteer to be tested and, if so, would they even accept it in testing centers?


Do you have symptoms?
If no, then no need to get tested, right?

No, I’m pretty self-aware of such things. HRV and RHR and everything that you can measure are good and I’m basically self-isolating anyway.

It’s more the link between me and the idiot who thought that if he didn’t have symptoms he didn’t need to be tested. No people that I know of are concerned because, no symptoms.

I’m simply wondering if contact tracing is reaching out to people who were in same room with a person who tested positive or if ‘no symptoms, no worries’ is standard.

Those concepts don’t work together in my head, though it depends on what you mean by hoarding. I keep about a month’s worth of good food and enough to survive on for another month.

My friend a nurse told they won’t test you unless temp over 37.5

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Idk why some people keep saying that. That never happened in Japan or Korea or Singapore, the most comparable countries to Taiwan that have been in or still are in worse situations, why would it happen here? Those countries never had a full lockdown either. Japan never even banned indoor dining, their positive test rate is higher than Taiwan, they are still going through with the Olympics, their population is much older, and they are still fine. Not great, but never remotely close to what Europe or North America went/are still going through.


So everyone taking cold medicine which also lowers temperature is by definition COVID-free :man_shrugging:

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"they found that he did not have a fever. The man then refused to be taken to a hospital for treatment. "

Soooo, The guy coughed violently and fell down. But no virus because no fever. Just Excellent


You missed the best part: :grimacing:

The man then refused to be taken to a hospital for treatment. Staff then sprayed him with disinfectant and he was allowed to board another train to his destination


Based on what I’ve heard, we’ll be going into some kind of level 4 in the next few days, perhaps as early as this afternoon.