Coronavirus - Taiwan 2021

No local cases today… good news. Hope it stays like this.


They should lock his door and throw away the key!

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He will use the window for sure :slight_smile:

Not an issue if we put him in an apartment with a window cage that he can’t open. :wink:



It’s a-holes like this that make upright law-abiding forumosans look good.

Put otherwise: thanks man for setting the bar so low! :grin:


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Meanwhile, Minister Chen delivers an update about the Taoyuan cluster:



how would that make any sense since every taiwanese person would know that chinas vaccine is worthless?

With what? A brainwash vaccine?

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They make the Taisheng an offer they can’t refuse.

they can refuse it by getting the hell out of dodge like they should have a long time ago.

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And lose their factories and investment in the process…which they will lose eventually, but most don’t see it.

Many still believe they have the upper hand…

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If they don’t see it now of all times then there is no hope for them…

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”


As so many did before them.


Guilded cages are the worst.


Indeed. But the silence about those stories is deafening.

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Beijing has done a good job of keeping things from spreading here?

So the press has been hounding minister Chen daily asking why is the test in Taiwan 19 times more expensive than in China… :roll:

Chen replies deadpan: because ours is more accurate.

The head of TAO issued an statement saying: that gentleman either is lying to Taiwan people or wrong

The dutiful press of course informed Chen of the statement, to which he calmly replied: that gentleman does not know what he is talking about.



The man’s a fucking legend…he has to handle so much bullshit from morons every day, never even breaks his expression.


Yeah, sorry, but that really seems pretty dubious, unless he’s willing to back it up with the data. The test in Taiwan is more expensive than those in a lot of countries, and I doubt it has anything to do with accuracy.

It’s just a routine PCR test - tiny amounts of several primers, buffers, and enzymes, and access to a thermocycler. It’s nothing special, and unless he’s making clear it’s a joke, I think it damages the CDC’s credibility to say stuff like that.

In addition, I thought the CDC had previously claimed that the high cost of the test was due to limited resources and to discourage people taking them every time they have a cough? NT$7000 or whatever is for sure a massive markup - I’ve no idea exactly what a single PCR test costs, but I seriously doubt it’s more than a couple of hundred whether it’s in Taiwan or anywhere else.

Irrespective of what you think of China, I’m also 100% confident that, given their resources, mass-testing schemes, and strict efforts to control the virus, they will have optimised their testing protocols as much as possible by this point. I seriously doubt they’re doing all that stuff with unreliable tests.