Coronavirus - Taiwan 2021

14 to 21 days. Check CECC data on this. Links have been put and discussed already. It is not GPS. The hacker minister has some great interviews bin English on this issue.

Ad nauseum…

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Any adults in this room?


These are the posters here as seen from the last forumosa night group photo



Yes, I’ve seen his/her/xer’s interviews. They only started disclosures because the issue was forced.

Presser about to start.

4th day of zero cases, both imported/local.


Seems like we hopefully successfully survived the hospital cluster and the large inflow of people from abroad for CNY :pray::pray::pray:


It’s hard not to be impressed by how the Taoyuan cluster and the new year holiday influx were managed.

But with the new variants circulating globally, there will be challenges coming—along (one hopes) with vaccines!



The Great Wall of Masks would make any bureaucrat look like a genius.

No doubt wearing masks helps to slow down the potential transmission of airborne droplets. Kudos to everyone who wears them.

But: the masks did not set up protocols for incoming travellers.

Nor have masks provided consistent clear messaging from the CDC.

Nor did the masks relentlessly contact trace people in the Taoyuan cluster.

Nor did the masks pass legislation in the early 2000s authorizing the state to actually, you know, do stuff.

All these things in concert (along with considerable medical expertise) appear to have helped so far to keep the virus from spreading in Taiwan.



There’s no way the best quarantine/contact tracing regime in the world could have kept up with the speed and stealth of transmission of COVID-19. The Great Wall of Masks did that job while bureaucrats did the mopping up.

Wearing masks without having an effective quarantine system in place?

Have a look at places like Canada to see how well that’s working out.

On my side, I’ll take Taiwan’s approach any day of the week.

Bye for now!



No lockdowns, no shutdowns is a country as densely populated as Taiwan which made social distancing practically impossible?

The one thing the Taiwan government did differently than any other country was to go on a crash program to make medical grade surgical masks available to everyone from day one and N95 masks readily available to every healthcare provider. What other country on earth can claim that distinction?

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The Great Wall of Masks has tons of holes. Depending where I am, mask wearing ranges from 30% to about 70%. Only mandatory places like the HSR have everyone wearing it.

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Don’t claim CNY victory until midweek next week. We are not quite out of the CNY woods yet.


I’m claiming it now and I’ll unclaim it next week if necessary. :laughing:

Meanwhile back in Kiwiland a completely unexplained cluster in Auckland. They can’t figure out where it came from and even genome isolation isn’t helping. The genome does not connect to any known genome previously in NZ. Auckland in level three lockdown for now.


New Zealand:

Patty Hajdu and Theresa Tam have to be some of the most incompetent people ever to be part of a government.

They have failed at their one job.


I don’t have any comment on the competence of Canadian officials. But I do know that despite experiencing SARS in 2003, Canada appears to have passed no relevant legislation to deal with future troubles. It’s possible this failure to act is based upon an understanding of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms—on this point, I simply don’t know. But it seems the legislative ball was dropped then, leading to a wide range of public health problems now.


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I can give them a pass for being unprepared in January 2020.

I cannot give them a pass for letting in the new variants AFTER their supposed updates to the quarantine after they had ONE YEAR of knowledge.

They are as dumb as rocks.


Once the cat’s out of the bag, it’s very hard to get it back in.

On the plus side, heaps of vaccines are heading to Canada soon—despite lots of moaning about delays.

Hope things get back on track there soon.

Now—as befitting the title of this thread—back to Taiwan…
