Coronavirus--Taiwan developments

Interesting reporting from Reuters—thanks for the link.

According to that article, the equipment needed for testing seems to have arrived in Palau from Taiwan on April 9 on a tuna fishing vessel.

How does the timeline fit in with the navy visit?


疫情指揮中心指揮官陳時中今表示,軍中確診3例分別在高雄、台中和桃園,昨晚間9時得到第一例確診情況,就緊急與國防部聯繫,通知全部學員在家隔離,不得外出 apple daily

I read this as they were not quarantined at all after arriving Taiwan?


Presenting at a clinic or hospital multiple times before being tested is a feature of a number of the confirmed cases here.

Overall, I think Taiwan has done a really good job at managing this situation but I still question the testing methodology. That’s not very popular here but perhaps this case will cause some to rethink the issue since it seems like a number of big mistakes were made.

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Surely there will be a lot more cases after this. 3 confirmed people on a ship with 700 others in close knit surroundings. We’ve seen what happened with Diamond Princess.


The Navy vessel left port on March 15. But it seems to show that Palau still has ship traffic that could import cases. Unless Palau is keeping all ship crews under strict quarantine, it’s entirely possible that an infected member of a ship crew, perhaps completely asymptomatic, could introduce the virus into the local population or become infected by the local population.

Of course, both Taiwan and Palau have implemented strong hygiene and social distancing measures, so assuming these cases actually came from Palau, which again has 0 confirmed cases, it shows that the virus is more widespread than believed and it only takes small slip-ups to spread.

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Or there was a sailor with no symptoms that infected some others that didn’t show symptoms until someone got infected and started showing symptoms.


Presumably most of the sailors are young and healthy, so more likely to be asymptomatic.

Doomed by our own Navy.


well, at least it’s not Legionnaires’ disease

What is the first thing young and healthy sailors do after a long time on the sea? I’m worried!

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BD knows, he was in the merchant marine.

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Forumosans living in Taiwan, do you think of your home here as a shelter from the storm?

If so, you might check out this video, where two Belgians travelling around the world realized the scope of the pandemic and tried to find a safe place to land. They apparently arrived in Taiwan just before the doors were closed!



The flight from Dubai has landed. Expect more imported cases to be announced…



I wouldn’t worry about the sea-men. If Miss KTV didn’t spread it, nobody can.

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Oh joy.

They showed a map of the berths were the «students» sleep, like, 12 to a room. Two of the infected were sleeping like next to each other, while one was in other room.

They had been about 30 days at sea.

Without Taiwan’s help, Palau wouldn’t have the means to test or treat COVID19 patients.

I have been following these guys videos. Quarantine by FoodPanda and UberEats. Now in Kaohsiung, amazed at normal life. Really interesting point of view.


Better check for any fine print about how long an overstay will be forgiven

And it’s not one of those if you come in on Wednesday between one to one oh one pm and you are wearing pink uNderwear

This should be on all news paper headlines today

I’m worried. They didn’t quarantine upon arrival— they all dashed back to their hometowns for celebrations with family and friends. That means every county including Penghu, Kinmen, and Mazu is going to have people infected. Ms KTV might have come in contact with a few hundred for a short time, but this was hundreds together 24/7 crammed together on a ship for a month +