Coronavirus - Taiwan (October-December 2020)

Ridiculous, that likely cost the guy at least a years savings whilst a group of DJ’s broke quarantine in a far more serious way and were fined NT$10,000 each which was likely pocket change.


It’s very harsh .


The penalty for breaking quarantine regulations in Kaohsiung is a fine of NT$100,000 to NT$1 million.

Are there different agencies levying fines? Road to Ultra DJs were not in Kaohsiung yet this article seems to point to Kaohsiung levying the fines and if that is the case, maybe because Kaohsiung’s minimum is different. Trying to see if there is more info.

Hong Kongers fined $70000 - Archived and inacessible without payment. Seems to be old.

Book company owner fined $1 000 000

Individuals who violate quarantine regulations are subject to fines of NT$100,000 to NT$1 million.

$1 000 000 fine.

Looks like they gave the filipino guy the minimum fine, but doesn’t really explain the discrepancy with the DJs.


Seems like those DJs were fined for not wearing masks, this Filipino guy was fined for leaving room under quarantine.

I do agree it’s excessive. It’s not like he actually went missing.


Unfortunately true for almost every country on this planet.


We don’t even know yet if there is long lasting individual
Immunity. How can there be confirmed herd immunity ? That doctor is a moron


Maybe move this to the open C19 page than Taiwan one.
For a group that works with Big Tech Facebook, I would question their ‘fact checking’. I would like to know who funds them. The ‘we rely on your donations’ doesn’t wash with me.
You have every right to question science as does anyone else. Most people don’t when it comes from ‘respected’ media.
That you think his conclusions are false, it is interesting you immediately think he is a moron. Do you think the scientists from the UN (was it?) that said in 1989 we would be under water by the Year 2000, morons? I don’t, I think their conclusions were incorrect, just as I do many of the ‘experts’ telling governments hundreds of thousands will die in the next month if people don’t stop drinking in pubs or whatever it is…
In fact the last 8 months there have been countless experts lauded in the media who have come out with projections or warnings that never happened. There will be more.
A lot of it of course is from the likes of the Behavioral Instincts Team whose goal was to instill fear into the public.
But regarding Yeadon, he did say that he looked at the data and said London showed there was evidence of herd immunity as the numbers now were lower than before. Also parts of the North of the UK and as numbers were increasing in the midlands, that area was to follow.

This article is for you:

There’s nothing wrong with projections, scientific ones based on a scientific philosophy are easier to make policy for. Any expert will tell you that virus epidemiology is a field that needs years of study. No one can make any accurate predictions in a few months of a pandemic which is what this “doctor” seems to have done.

Can you look at a few years of seismic data and predict how the continents move, given the age of the earth ? Ofcourse not.

So yes in this case I repeat that doctor is a moron.


The difference is the boundary of the “home” in their home quarantine arrangements: for the DJ’s, their “home” was the apartment, even though they were supposed to stay in their own rooms and not mingle (Each of them probably didn’t have their own bathroom, which is another violation). As long as they did not step out of the apartment, they were not considered breaking quarantine. Unfortunately, for the migrant worker, his “home” was the hotel room…


Thanks! That makes sense.

Remember the regular press conferences held by contrarian NTU professor Tony Chan? He’s been quiet for a while. According to this report, he may also now be—along with the Changhua Public Health Bureau—fined for violating research laws.



Wow! Made the US national news!


Was just about to post that. Feel bad for the Filipino, but also heartened to know Taiwan isn’t messing around.


He did leave his room to put something outside the door for his friend, maybe a book, charger or whatever… It’s a small but still a potential way of transmitting the virus. I don’t know how well he was informed about the strict but necessary rules. If he had just open his door and stepped out for 8 seconds without doing anything else I’m not so sure he would be fined at all.

I do feel sorry for the guy because it’s probably a lot of money for him.

Someone do a gofundme already

Not me! I already made my donations this year.

While I agree that these fines are excessive, they’re still necessary.

Too many people believe that Taiwan is out of harm’s way. But without measures like this, Taiwan would easily become a hotbed of infection.


I’d gladly donate… but not sure how to set it up?

Two more imported cases reported today—another Indonesian migrant worker (asymptomatic), and a Taiwanese returning from China.

The K-Man (author of the report below) clearly warmed up to writing about the latter:

Chuang said that prior to arrival in Taiwan, [the Taiwanese man] had traveled through Zhejiang and the Shanghai Pudong Airport. As he became ill 12 days after entering Taiwan, it is still within the standard incubation period of an infection that would have occurred overseas. In addition, because he spent his quarantine entirely alone, the odds he contracted the disease in Taiwan are extremely low, said Chuang.

China’s statistics on its confirmed coronavirus cases and deaths have been placed under much doubt, as they have been suspiciously low for such a populous country; currently, China is in 77th place behind Libya and ahead of Slovenia. The speed with which China went from initially announcing human-to-human transmissions on Jan. 20 to declaring “zero” local infections on March 19 also raises many questions about the authenticity of China’s reporting.

Despite the fact that the coronavirus pandemic originated in China as well as its vast size and huge population, the communist regime blames most local outbreaks on imported frozen food and has started to peddle misinformation that the virus came from another country.

Since the country declared itself free of local infections in March, smaller outbreaks usually only numbering in single digits in Xingjiang, Beijing, Yunnan, Wuhan, Jilin, Qingdao, Tianjin, Inner Mongolia, Shanghai, and Guangzhou have been announced. These have been followed by mass testing campaigns that numbered in the millions; however, the results of such tests are never released in detail, and additional positive cases are rarely if ever announced.



The Chinese Communist Party and their irresponsibility as a world power are going to kill us all, and it won’t even be in a spectacular explosion. At least that would have been interesting.

Taiwan was smart to implement additional restrictions as the region isn’t getting better

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