Coronavirus - Taiwan (October-December 2020)

I guess you’d hate to host a super spreader event but if everyone’s wearing masks :performing_arts: it’s pretty unlikely.

They allow it because they want the good press. There will be very few major cities in the world with a NYE celebration.

Yes, we always see the 101 show on the news the next day. Sydney is borderline on being cancelled right now, there will be few people up close to see as they are shutting the CBD area to non residents and pruning the show to just a couple of minutes.

I’m playing with you.

I love conspiracy theories as much as the next person.

Ha, it’s not a wild conspiracy.

1)They had an issue with too many people coming back to Taiwan at cny. You have 500,000 Taiwanese at least in China and usually most come back, often with wives. Also huge risk of Chinese sabotage
2) Also Taiwanese from Indonesia , us etc
3) The taishang in China been fighting with government since September. They asked for:
A) Reduced quarantine times for cny (business bubble)
B) Subsidized flights
C)Subsidized tests
D)Wuhan style government flights when send plane

They got: All other Taiwanese can stay at home, but those coming back from China have to stay in hotel
4) Lots of arguing, meetings, accusations from blue media of prejudice. And no answer of what to do of huge wave of people coming back

Then suddenly new regulations came in and solved the whole problem, with no room for future argument or politics.

The Taiwanese office of CCP (whatever called) released a story today about poor taishang.

Almost certainly this situation been utilized to deal with cny issue and of course won’t say directly

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That number has been disputed.

Try 500,000 Taiwanese abroad, including those born to Taiwanese emigrants.

But I agree, the Taishang are trouble and need to be dealt with firmly.


It’s anything between a million and 500000 no?

Wiki says 1-3 million

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“There are no official statistics on the number of Taishang working in mainland China. Unofficial estimates circulating in 2011 suggested that between 1 million and 3 million Republic of China nationals (including family members) lived in mainland China.”

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I think there is the perception that they are there in the trenches fighting for the Taiwan economy in a hostile environment. That’s kinda how they percieve themselves and there argument for privileges

But it’s not 1995 anynmore and living in China isn’t that hard. Everyone knows you can get beer and chicken delivered to your house at 3am and they have second wives and money

Eh guys one more piece to the puzzle: the government is going to test for antibodies and such everyone who arrived from UK after December 13th.


To note the second case if the new UK variant was caught in retesting.

“The last three priority groups are people aged 19 to 64 with high-risk diseases, followed by people with a rare disease or catastrophic illness, and adults aged 50 to 64.”

“It would be difficult to predict how long it would take for the 20 million COVID-19 vaccine doses to be administered, but it could take up to a year, Chen said.”

Well, I probably need to wait until May or June then. Or even 2022.

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Well, what do you know, only 9 thousand people showed up for the New Year party in Taipei City Hall.

I blame the cold. :whistle:


Two escapees in Tainan. One went to karaoke, the other took a highway bus headed north…

Sigh. Yes, there will be fines…

Heads up! More details on how incoming (i.e. new) international students will be affected by the recent tightening of entry requirements:

According to MOE statistics, there are 49 international students who have already obtained entry permits but have not yet arrived in [Taiwan], and they will be allowed to enter after Jan. 1.

However, no new applications will be accepted by schools, with immediate effect, the ministry said, adding that the decision will be reviewed in a month’s time after consultations with the CECC.



9000? I heard 4000!

Looks like another quarantine break out caught at a New Years celebration, Taoyuan if I caught it right.

3 posts were split to a new topic: Coronavirus - Taiwan 2021