Coronavirus Taiwan Open 2023

Infectious disease specialists at Taiwan’s hospitals are being frustrated by increasingly heavy workloads, and some are even choosing to leave their jobs. That’s as a fourth wave of COVID-19 sees case numbers—and paperwork—pile up.


More media BS titles! The paperwork is “piling up” because the government turned off the electronic reporting system preferring to go back to the stone age and use paper instead, nothing to do with case numbers.

I also find myself more than a little irritated at the media’s insistence on emphasing the 80% in that 80% of the recent COVID cases are people who are catching it for the first time, FFS. The numbers are now so small that the only way to sensationalise is to throw out nonsense statistics.


Why even work in infectious control if you can’t handle infectious control??? Lmao.

Also, they say that about every nursing thing. Nurses are leaving bedside! Nurses are leaving infectious control! Nurses are leaving surgery! Stop hiring nurses to replace people that specialized in these areas lmao.

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Well, that’s stupid. If they’re “overwhelmed” and quitting because of the administrative paperwork the government is still requiring them to complete and send in within 24 hours or the hospital gets fined and it’s now taking longer because the government has stopped the electronic reporting system, it’s a human/government-created problem and it’s fixable in at least several ways.


The media disproves the The Boy Who Cried Wolf fable.

That’s exactly why they go to the media: to complain and try to get things changed. Don’t know what sort of appetite the MOHW has to reboot the digital platforms again (I suspect the answer is: “little”).



It would just seem to make sense to keep the digital platform if they’re keeping the reporting requirement, or else just scrap everything. I assume all that paperwork needs to be processed on the MOHW’s end as well, with the time and costs that involves.


Sense and logic and government work do not go hand in hand.

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Overhead, admin, legal arse-covering, management interference, and a shedload of other non-medical stuff has been a primary reason for the staff haemorrhage back in blighty, too. Are these things just the local minima that the rolling ball of bullshit tends to get stuck into as it traverses the curve of socialized medicine?

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Dunno where to put this but the boss got it:

Well, our Latin American presidents are on the third or fourth rounds.

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I have not had covid to my knowledge. Have been through 4 countries multiple times.

Last of 4 shots was Sep 2022.

Wonder if I should get a 5th shot booster?

Bloody hellfire. I hope the VP is ready to step up to the plate.


Please don’t mock. Have you no compassion for someone feeling

“slightly unwell”

? It sounds brutal. :scream:

In even worse news, hopefully her absence won’t severely impact the CWB’s preparations for the typhoon.

The president was also scheduled to return to Taipei in the evening and visit the headquarters of the Central Weather Bureau to check on the preparations for the approaching Typhoon Doksuri, the office added.


I’m glad I’m out of the country. Typhoon incoming and Commander-in-Chief potentially incapacitated with Covid? You guys are toast.