Coronavirus Taiwan - Specific Developments 2023

OK. So what do you think the differences were?

EDIT: to be fair, there was one big difference: the UK took it as an opportunity to demolish the NHS. Taiwan didn’t do that.

See? We’re making progress here in getting onto the same page.


Nevertheless, the CECC spread the same untruths, and pushed essentially the same policies, as the UK. Didn’t they?

The NHS shutdown was (IMO) something they’ve been itching to do for years. You would not have expected anything equivalent in Taiwan because the health service here is not a millstone around the government’s neck.

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I don’t think that me being from the UK plays a huge role in my thinking here. I haven’t lived there for almost 15 years (I got out pretty much as soon as I finished university), and I haven’t even visited there in 8 years (which was a brief trip). I’m not comparing things with the UK, and whatever “we’ve seen in London” (I don’t know what that means) isn’t relevant to anything I’ve written.

Aside perhaps from some cultural things like valuing individual rights over the group in certain situations (for example, not thinking that children should be forced to wear masks forever or get repeatedly vaccinated against things they’re at little risk from because someone in authority is guessing it might protect older people from harm) and an anti-authoritarian streak (not believing that everything a government says is true or needs to be followed).

Having a scientific education and being able to recognize some of the bullshit might have influenced my thinking, though.

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This is very much to your credit.


Who are these guys?

Three years tops, maybe two or less.

The handsome one is “Taiwan’s most coveted son-in-law”. :howyoudoin:

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Where is the handsome one??? The President???

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Yeah, I think @Icon may be looking at a different photo.

Hope so, anyway. :grimacing:

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Yep, sorry, different photo. The one where the whole team is standing together.

You have weird tastes. :see_no_evil:

I go with the local tastes.

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Nuff said. “Weird tastes”. :see_no_evil:

Well…you know…

My good friend just rang me this evening to let me know that his cousin just died from Covid.

35 years old, a bit on the obese side for a Taiwanese, of course a smoker and had high blood pressure.

That’s all I’ve got for now, but it was most definitely Covid that done him in.


Worst band ever.


西班牙諺語: A la tierra que fuertes, haz lo que vieres. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yeah, I notice nobody’s keen to claim that they were the fifth one before they got famous.


This news came out a few days ago. Nobody posted it yet.
Rare cases where vaccines can cause deadly outcomes exist. Their families receive compensation.

The woman, a resident of New Taipei in her 40s, developed a headache about a week after getting a dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine and then had epileptic seizures and fell into a coma two weeks later.

She was later diagnosed as having thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) and multiple infections, and further tests led health authorities to determine that the cause was linked to the AstraZeneca vaccine.

TTS is a documented clinical side effect of AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine, according to a MOHW report.


Every time I see the word rare, I want to throw up. Is that a symptom of long covid?

Pretty rare for someone in their 40s to die of covid too.

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