Coronavirus Taiwan - Specific Developments May/June 2022

In this difficult time, feel free to add names of shops in this thread here.

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Isn’t Monday evening usually among the slowest times?

I hope it’s an anomaly. :neutral_face:


Not were I was, Mondays are well crowded normally. Many switched to take-out again out of necessity.

Wow at most “serious” restaurants I know, the chef takes Monday off, making this the day to skip eating out.

I hope the businesses will be OK.


Chain stores mostly don’t have ‘days off’. I’m not talking about ‘serious’ restaurants but the everyday eatery places.

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I skim down looking for jokes, entertaining squabbles, or something serious; most if the posts i barely glance let alone think about. These threads are my only source of news.

What counts as a contact, what i have to do, details on testing… i skip over all that!




Hopefully most people are beginning to see sense and follow this advice.

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My coworker was telling me a fruit seller had to get tested to go to the wholesale market.

Faked it by using someone else’s test because he knew he was positive.

When he got caught, his wife apparently said “Everyone does it”

Anyone see that on the news?


The wife is right. The messaging/social media apps are full of people tracking down negative test pics so they can get their work done. Not everyone has time to stay at home for a week for a runny nose and cough. How did the poor guy get caught anyway? It’s not like G men are going to tie you down and test you.

Probably told someone

Which market was that? I went to the big fruit and vegetable market in Wanhua three times last week looking for ghost peppers. The last time was on Saturday morning with a couple of Mexican friends, when I finally found the peppers, and it was pretty crowded.

I joked with them that they should let me know how many cases we’d come into contact with that morning according to the social distancing app, which they have installed, because there’s no way I want to be flagged for that directly through my phone. :sweat_smile:

Wouldn’t hurt if the Government decided to block LINE for a few weeks, though we all know that won’t happen. My partner even would be one of those to freak out if that happened.


Its been higher than Australia (which is hanging around the mid 40K at present, though with a higher number of mostly elderly deaths, most of whom were residing in GWR), a couple of times in the past week.

We can’t get them to vaccinate, let alone stay at home. Not even welding them in.

Or have you guys not seen the video of the 92 year old lady who beat, out run and then jumped over a wall in Shanghai?


Saw the testing for entry at the Neihu wholesale market, but not them getting caught.

Saw the news of a lady whose inlaws threw her out the door because she tested positive. Got the lizhang and cops to talk them into letting her stay and quarantine indoors.

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What relation was the lady? That sounds horrible. Who the heck does that?

That sounds a bit too CCP for my liking


So many people rely on Line for work too.

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My wife’s friend took home covid test which was positive. She went to hospital for PCR test. She waited for 8 hours and gave up and went home.

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