Coronavirus Taiwan - Specific Developments May/June 2022

no, not really…nothing that lasted longer than a couple of days.

social media exaggerations and media click bait

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By far the biggest source of arguments w/ the wife

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There’s a bit of a sense of deja vu here, before last summer break pretty sure they started with a week, then at the very last minute said ‘actually guys, no more school til summer break starts now, sorry lol’.


Yep. On the other hand, it seems like a third of my students have COVID now (at least according to them).

Glad I’m not alone


Is it significantly different in Hong Kong, South Korea or Japan?

It could be genetic, but you’d think something would have come out of mainland China. Or if they covered it up, the millions of Chinese living overseas, particularly in the US, Canada or UK.

Either way, 5 young kids all dying from this encephalitis is definitely unusual.

SARS 1.0 incidence was related to the HLA factor in Asian population, if I recall correctly. Maybe there is a factor at play.

In the old country we also have many kids sick but I haven’t read anything about such sudden onset of encephalitis.


Covid Stats For 2022-05-24

Local = 82,363

Airport = 39

Quarantine = 33

Deaths = 42

Current Severity of Symptoms Statistics

Local Cases By Districts (Interactive Map)


Today’s report had the 10 y/o boy.

One of the people that passed away was a ~10 yr boy (this case was previously reported) - no pre-existing conditions (not vaccinated - too young at the time). After fever / headache, took a rapid test (positive). Admitted to the hospital / ICU but sadly passed away.
This boy had developed encephalitis.

5 days between symptoms and death.

Fever (40.1 degrees), cough, convulsions



5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Covid vaccines for children?

10 posts were merged into an existing topic: Coronavirus Open Thread 2022

I keep wondering what they mean by “nervous system disease”. That could be a whole range of things from encephalitis to multiple sclerosis to Alzheimer’s to a brain tumor to carpal tunnel syndrome, and from possibly connected to coincidental.

I don’t get why they publish tables like this and then make certain terms deliberately and unnecessarily vague.

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I was just reading about encephalitis in children. It seems like a bit of a thorny medical problem to treat. If they can identify a viral cause they can administer antivirals, and try manage it from there. The article below stresses it could be a range of causes. Sometimes it can be from something gastrointestinal. Sometimes it is autoimmune, if they are able to successfully identify an autoimmune cause they can supress the immune system and bring it down that way.


Meanwhile, a “specific development” of sorts in central Taiwan.

Some people never learn . . . :person_facepalming:



The more concerning thing about that story is the man somehow is in his 2nd traffic accident in a week


I’m more worried about his driving than his Covid positive status.

He must be an alcoholic or something. Desperate for a hit.


Fining him two million would be ridiculous.

Go out after testing positive……bad.

Travel across the city to do a pcr after testing positive….smart.


Repeatedly smashing his car while COVID positive . . . yeah something is up here. :neutral_face:

Since it’s an election year, I would expect the Taichung government to levy a big fine, in only to show they are serious about governing.

NOTE: I am not endorsing or downplaying this way of thinking, I am simply guessing what I think will happen based on how past governments have acted in Taiwan.


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This is abso-effing-lutely unnecessary. Is the government mad? There’s 80k+ cases every day. Someone skirting quarantine isn’t going to make the cases go any higher. All it does is add stupid debt. The dude is 59 and will probably struggle to pay that shit off.