Coronavirus Taiwan - Specific Developments May/June 2022

True, but my concern is with the “if”. I suspect testing has become very inconsistent over the past couple of weeks, with plenty of people not reporting self-test positive cases, or not self-testing at all.

I’m curious how things will change once self-reporting cases becomes less fraught with bureaucratic & queuing peril, which I guess is happening tomorrow.


telehealth appt w/ a doctor

Any information on how this is done?

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Went to the hospital with a retinal detachment and got admitted for emergency surgery. Had to take a PCR test prior to surgery and was positive with a CT value of 32. Surgery denied and starting 7+7 quarantine from day 0. All from a minor cold for which I’ve had no symptoms for at least 16 days. If lose sight in my eye because of this unnecessary delay, I’ll get my retribution. Fuck these government policies.


Damn, that really sucks. I hope your eyesight will be OK.


Testing hasn’t stayed consistent though, both with the move of more people from PCR to less-sensitive rapid tests (essentially redefining what a case is) and making it easier for people to hide/not report a positive result.


Shit, that’s not good. I wonder if you could call 1922 (or whatever it is now) to complain. If it was urgent enough to need emergency surgery before…


It’s loose, that’s for sure. Big changes and trends will tell us something though. That numbers didn’t break 100k doesn’t mean anything in itself; that they didn’t crash through it and keep trending higher means something though.


WTAF. I would call around services like 1922 and see what can be done about this. If that fails, might be worth engaging the services of a lawyer. I think there’s some sort of “medical emergency” exception. Expecting you to just sit in your house and go blind is madness.

They really have lost the plot here.


Thanks. The macular isn’t detached thankfully, so waiting two weeks shouldn’t affect the final outcome. They used the laser to seal the ends of the detachment, which is about 180°, before I went for the PCR. Glad they got that done at least.


The doctor said government policy is no emergency exceptions unless the macular is detached, no matter how big the tear/detachment.

Fucking hellfire.

I’d be pacing around my house wanting to make someone suffer for this. Hope you’re OK.

Might still be worth calling 1922. There’s always a chance in these kinds of situations that the “government policy” reported by one person/organization is wrong.


It’s not 3+4?

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Ha ha. Have you met Taiwan this month of May 2022? Here’s the link for the press announcement: as far as I can tell there aren’t any instructions about how to actually arrange the telehealth appointments, but maybe someone with better Chinese than I can figure it out.

I do feel like I’ve got a bit of a cold, so I wouldn’t be surprised if I’m positive. My wife and I have five test kits in the apartment, as yet unused. I spent 30-60 minutes today trying to figure out just what the heck I’m “supposed” to do. Damned if I know. Haven’t used a test kit because I’ve got a half-memory of needing to use one every couple of days or something like that, and I don’t want to be stuck needing to go out and get one.

One of the few clear sources remains the link below, but it’s from fourteen days / sixteen policy changes ago and I don’t know if they’re keeping it updated. Unfortunately there’s no option for “I feel a bit crap.”


I’m sure it’s all factored in. They’ll know that not all positives will test, and not all positives will disclose it. It hardly takes a genius to know that.

That is totally insane. Hope you’re ok.

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Maybe - but if it is factored in, the article should talk about that. The strong implication from the article is that they’re only considering reported PCR cases, which at this stage is an indicator I don’t think means all that much.

I dunno, it’s a bit like an article saying “The weather is expected to be sunny on Saturday. That’s because it’s sunny today, on Tuesday.” Maybe the first sentence is true and maybe they have good reasons for expecting that - but the second sentence makes me think it’s a prediction done by an idiot.

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I don’t understand why people think that countries with population densities much smaller than TW would be indication of Taiwan trends. Australia population is around 3 people per sq km, NZ around 18, and Taiwan around 650 (ranked around 16 in world).

Covid is going to spread faster and wider, meaning more will be impacted, and probably higher deaths than lower populated locations. Plus multi generations living together for greater spread.


73 of the 76 who died had a history of chronic diseases.


I get your point, but the variable we’re following here is the relative isolation we’ve had in Taiwan, NZ, and Australia (along with other jurisdictions such as HK)—so when omicron takes off, the population has had relatively little or no exposure to this “COVID” thing. That’s why we’re tracking this particular comparison.



Because population density in modern urban societies is all about the same. Interaction between people is about the same. And historically speaking, omicron has blown through in roughly the same timeframe in many other countries - somewhere around 5-6 weeks.

What actually happened is far more relevant than what ought to happen based on simplistic numbers like population divided by total area.