Coronavirus Vaccine in Taiwan - May/June 2021

Doesn’t matter. I will complain. Man, the humidity!


Buy a dehumidifier.

I’m at 40% RH and 26° now.

I got 2, big ones. This place is so humid, especially in summer.

And what was with all that thunder all day and no rain?!

No matter how long we all live in Taiwan…even those who are bred, born, and raised…all of us can agree that Taiwan’s humidity levels are too high to get used to. :wink:

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There is no vaccine for that!

When you see the water running down the walls or your endless fight against the mold takes a nasty turn, you question what the heck are you doing in such a place!

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You just need AC units. Dehumidifier is for winter.

If there is an economy mode or something where your AC’s fan is turned off when the compressor isn’t running, use that. You’ll save a little bit of electricity and the blower won’t blow humidity right back into the room either.

When it’s hot it’s easier to keep humidity down, because the heat tends to lower humidity already, with AC running your humidity level should drop pretty fast too.

Make sure you do not oversize your AC for the room. Doing this will lead to high electric bill, high humidity, and low comfort.


Where’s the Coronavirus Vaccine in Taiwan discussion thread?

I swear it was here somewhere earlier.

Hey there should be a vaccine related thread and a discuss whatever else not vaccine related thread.


I found the vaccine thread. Took a few minutes:


Went to “” to register my mother who is 88
for the vaccine. It did not take her id number which is in the old format.

Wait—the much awaited Audrey Tang developed platform for vaccine registration is now live?

Or are you attempting to use another platform?


it looks like so. Did they exclude foreigners?

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Does anyone have actual confirmation that the Audrey Tang system is live?

If not, it’s possible it’s not accepting anyone (foreign ID numbers included).



eh…wasn’t there an article somewhere here that said it will be available with the “next” batch of vaccines that arrive? So, maybe thats the problem. Not taking reservations until the next shipment arrives and is logged into the system.

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If she lives in Taipei City, she needs to be booked through their system.

If she lives in Kaohsiung, there is no booking needed.

The comprehensive system designed by Audrey is not working/active at the moment as they will wait the input of new deliveries of vaccines, not the current ones, which are already spoken for groups 1 to 3.


I recall Mayor Ko bitching about this.

So yes that would be my hypothesis now.


a) @pikabon 's screen shot is indeed the much awaited Audrey Tang developed platform; and if

b) the system is not yet live; then

c) that may explain the lack of success so far to register.

Corrections / amendments welcome!



I would copy paste the charts the Taipei City government released explaining their system…bit complicated though. I refer you to their Line account.

Iiuc, AD means she got her ARC with Taipei address.

The platform asks if you are a registered Taipei citizen with hukou, and if you choose no, you cannot go to next step.

We thought it meant Taipei city resident.
Does this mean foreigners can not get the vaccine. Ironic that she is Japanese and not be able to get the donated vaccine.

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I could be wrong, but I understand the phrase means citizens with hukou in Taipei.

If this is how the Taipei City digital system works . . . WTF!!!

Audrey we need you!


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