Coronavirus Vaccine in Taiwan - May/June 2021

I thought Chen was alluding to China (or using them as a scapegoat for any local incompetence as usual). But yes, CECC has been like Keystone Cops when it comes to efficiently procuring vaccines. Ugh.


It’s a piece of history.
Chip it off the wall and sell it for $$$.


I see you Forumosa. :face_with_monocle:

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I wonder if anyone here is genuinely pissed off about this vaccine situation here on Forumosa. I am actually triggered by it. I am almost at the point of wanting them to lose the next election. Not quite but almost there.:pensive:


Yer…not sure about that. A lot of graffiti in Taipei. A lot of people who can speak English, too.

Possibly, not probably

I’m not sure Sherlock would say that it must be a foreigner just because it is in English and they don’t like masks.

Commit a crime as a foreigner, but write 你不能抓到我 and no one will ever accuse you.

Or does it only work the other way?

It is in blue too. That is my favourite colour. I am a foreigner so that means the guy who wrote it is a foreigner. Case closed.


If you wanted other people to read it and get your message “out there”, you’d write it in Chinese though, surely?

Unless whoever wrote it just did it for their own entertainment, I guess.


A criminal mastermind. Could be trying stir up racial hatred by pretending to be a foreigner. He is playing the long game.


Those dastardly Chinese! Is there anything they won’t stoop to?

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3 posts were merged into an existing topic: From coronavirus

UDN is reporting that the 750,000 doses from the US donation will arrive tomorrow along with the additional 410,000 from Taiwan’s Moderna order.

I’m very happy the current pace of vaccination will be able to continue.


Not sure if this story is real, but generally was thinking that the possibility of the btn deal would motivate other vaccine providers to deliver earlier. There is competition between vaccine manufacturers after all

They have been correct about all other vaccine arrivals that they have reported so I think it’s very likely to be true. Apple daily is also reporting the same.

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That’s great. Once we get to high teen percents we should start to see a noticeable dent in new infections.

Was hoping it’d be J&J, as they’re only one shot. But beggars can’t be choosers! Moderna is still great.

And: bypassing COVAX and associated bureaucracy is awesome. It’s great news!


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Government is still speaking to J+J btw. This is the Tzu Chi and Foguangshan donations and the company said they would only deal directly with governments


I think Taiwan still has orders with COVAX, the Moderna was directly purchased from the company

What we’re discussing here is the US donation of 750,000 doses announced when the three senators stopped by for a visit.

It was thought at that time that these 750,000 doses would be donated via COVAX.

What UDN and Apple are reporting is that they will arrive tomorrow (i.e. Sunday) non-stop from the US. Kudos to everyone involved for getting this done!

And yes there are (in addition to this case) more COVAX vaccines coming. Not sure when.


Does Tammy Duckworth want to move here and run for President? Asking for a friend.