Coronavirus Vaccine in Taiwan - May/June 2021

Half saying they don’t care about the distributor, not only half saying they would take the vaccine. A month ago, I think that number would’ve been like 3%. Progress!


Do you think that the US government should step up and help a friend by providing vaccines to Taiwan ASAP?

So does former AIT director William Stanton, who has this to say in his latest column:

In [U.S.] President Biden’s April 16 meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Suga and more recent May 21 meeting with [South] Korean President Moon Jae-In, both U.S. allies raised the need for vaccines. Both countries are well behind where they should be in vaccinating their countrymen.

As reported by Josh Rogin in his excellent essay “Being America’s ally ought to matter in a crisis,” a Biden administration official told him, “Virtually every country in the world is very eager to get more vaccines…. We understand that this is a priority for them.”

Why, then, is it so hard to understand the imperative to help Taiwan, which is arguably even more strategically critical to the U.S. in East Asia and its efforts to thwart PRC aggression? China and Russia have certainly not held back in their use of vaccines as a tool to foster their strategic interests.

It’s about time we started treating Taiwan like the ally it is.



Some others say it better than me:


Not as urgent as India!

Depends on your perspective. I live in Taiwan, not India.

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Me too. But keep in mind a lot of the world’s drugs are made in India! :slight_smile:

A few hundred compared to the bazillions elsewhere…Taiwan’s a cakewalk.

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Definitely a huge miss for the US. They need to support their supposed allies.

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Who, where, why ?

If it was a straight sale why not. The problem is if China starts adding loads of conditions and I saw them talking about sending over health experts to deal with the pandemic that is raging out of control around the island blah blah. This kind of political move we just can’t accept, especially when they block Taiwan from the WHO


Guys - I can’t find any info nohow to set up a vaccination in the Taipei area. Can anybody point me in the right direction?

Thankee Kindly!


search function


Self paid vaccinations are not available anymore.
You can only get vaccine if you are in one of the priority groups.


Many thanks. Thats what I thought.



Welcome! Have a look through this (admittedly gigantic) thread and you will see that there are currently no self-paid vaccinations.

Thanks Shui - actually I was looking for the free public ones. I suppose that will happen one day.



In your country at the last constituency you lived in if you don’t have overseas constituencies.

The pressure is on. How will the government respond?

Like chickens running around with their heads cut off.


Well, nantou is already doing backroom deals with Fosun, who knows if other local governments will follow suit?

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They need central govt permission to import.