Coronavirus Vaccine in Taiwan - May/June 2021

Yes, I also think it’s good the local governments are pushing for their own vaccines. The CECC is feeling the pressure and they should! It’ll get vaccines quicker. I’m sure there’s a lot of wrangling for vax from all different sources behind the scenes right now.


That’s good for us, but if I were Japanese I’d be looking at Japan’s infection rate and current vaccination rate (especially in light of Olympics being 2 months away) and thinking “wtf.”


Yay go Japan. Chips for Toyota and Mazda ASAP.


Then I’d imagine it’s going to be a non-starter. I really don’t understand why so much attention is being paid to BnT. It’s not the only vaccine out there.

Even stranger is that BnT isn’t approved in China yet and I don’t believe Fosun has even gone into production with it yet. So where are the doses coming from and how soon if he gets a deal done?

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Maybe Japan is a warning for TW? All of us expats are sitting here talking about vaccines as if we just need supply but is there really any reason to be sure that the Taiwanese will change their anti-vaxxing ways just because there’s an outbreak?

The Japanese are on their 4th wave and the vaccination rate is still embarrassingly low.

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Well apparently the Japanese don’t want to take AZ because they are afraid of the blood clots. So Japan is trying to get other vaccines and is giving a lot of the AZ vaccines away.

The CECC is doing it’s deals quietly, as most diplomatic deals that are made with Taiwan. It is no mystery but rather, that we have large interference, both outside Taiwan…and inside.

If we already have contracts signed and payments made, why people insist nothing has been done? We cannot force AZ, which is already in hot water with the European Union, to deliver faster, any more than we can make it rain. We can plant clouds, but if the conditions ain’t right, it ain’t gonna happen.

Look, there is a monsoon coming…


Because people are afraid of AZ and Moderna is exporting comparatively fewer doses. That leaves us with BnT as the only viable option atm. Though I agree, Taiwan should just focus on procuring the other ones but that’s why they focus on BnT.

P.S. Doesn’t help that geopolitics makes for a more engaging narrative either

Anecdotally, my wife wouldn’t get AZ before the outbreak because of all that media hysteria. Now she sounds like she’d be on board for any vaccine. Chen and Tsai are finally making a vaccine push as well so that should at least convince some DPP partisans. The media, as irresponsible as they were, seem to be shifting narratives from “vaccines are dangerous” to “where the f are all the vaccines now that we need them.”

That said, I still had a student on my FB saying “actually many Taiwanese won’t get it because we think it’s dangerous” when I posted about vaccines. I had to… well… educate her.


They still cost me…Could I inject myself for free…No.
And they charge twice !

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I really wish people would get off the Fosun BnT crap. You’d think they were the only player in town. If I can’t get the star I want for my Hollywood blockbuster, I go looking for other stars. That’s what Taiwan should’ve done more of with other vaccine distributors when the Fosun deal fell through way back in the beginning of the year.


This goes a long way to explaining why vaccine shipment announcements seem to occur very last minute- after the plane is en route.

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@lostinasia have you confessed to your wife yet that you’ve been vaccinated? :sweat_smile:


I think it is wise of them not to get hopes up by saying that a shipment will arrive on a nominated day in the future, then having to cancel that if things get delayed.

This morning I woke up, I tried to turn the aircon off but it kept turning itself back on.

I decided to have my eggs over easy, not soft but not hard you know what I mean (stop tittering in the back).

I brewed my coffee. It was luke warm by the time I drank it.

I looked out the window , it’s so humid I just wish it would rain already.

My boss keeps making appointments , and then changing the meeting time at the last minute. I don’t know what’s up with him. It seems to be going around lately…

I think I’l go for a run later. Yeah right.

  • The Half Vaccinated Man
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Nope, not yet! Hasn’t really come up as a topic for conversation.


Last night’s covid discussion

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I don’t think that’s the exact thinking since the mRNA vaccine hasn’t been made available yet. But if the mRNA vaccines are better, then more people will get it. I just trust vaccines made with a weakened form of the virus.

Japan will suffer.

This article is saying because vaccines are so politicized that the government is essentially procuring vaccines on the hush hush and covering up any and all news until vaccines are en route.