Coronavirus Vaccine in Taiwan - September/October 2021

I think you’re supposed to wait 48-72 hours at a minimum for the mRNA vaccines. Better check though.

Well according to my research it’s fine so I’m just gonna drink. :man_shrugging:

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403,114 doses given yesterday, of which 125,076 were second doses. 7,530,062 are now fully vaccinated.


good thing you we are ruled by other people.

good thing taiwan got loads of donations, or I don’t know where this thing would have been headed. Maybe I’d be using medigen.

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This almost makes no sense. :rofl:


Halloween’s ghosts and goblins have nothing on the idea of being saddled with an internationally useless Medigen card.

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Really wish the guys at Medigen would get their act together. There’s an obvious soft power opportunity for Taiwan, but this will go nowhere (except currently Palau and New Zealand) without adequate trial data.


I do too. It’s not really fair to those who’ve been vaccinated with it that they’re stranded just the same as if they’d not been vaccinated at all. Hopefully WHO approves it, but who knows with China’s influence…

I can imagine the notorious David Aylward (he’s the Canadian twit from the WHO featured on John Oliver’s Taiwan episode) pretending not to see the application, then shutting off his computer.



Yes, I’ve known about him since he pulled that stunt, long before it appeared on John Oliver. Evil corporate fuckwit.

Henceforth we shall refer to that notorious organization as the “World” (Except Fucking Taiwan) “Health Organization.”


The W stands for Wuhan.


That puts us at 8,794,000 dose donated from foreign governments.

So approximately 30.7% of total received doses as of Monday, unless some more surprise arrivals decide to show up tomorrow which would be more than welcome.

Just out of curiosity, if you took out the Pfizer/BnT vaccine out of the count then these foreign donations would account for ~42% of total received doses.

Numbers are from the chart published in this article on FocusTaiwan from the most recent arrival of Pfizer/BnT…I just added the 1.5 million from the latest donation.

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6 posts were split to a new topic: Coronavirus Vaccine in Taiwan - November/December 2021