Corporal punishment in schools

Absolutely not.
It is against the law for any school.

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Eh depends on the private school. As said, there are private schools that do the parents´bidding, and since teh parents hit, were hit, and are use dto the old ways, they demand hitting. In public schools there are more eyes, but in private schools what happens there stays there. Remember that for locals, private schools are for unruly kids, the kids that could not make it in the system.

I guess OP wants the international schools, the ones for foreign kids. That is a sort of different enchilada. They do have issues, though, as anywhere else, but it is not with that heavy societal burden.

If OP thinks like in the West that public schools are bad and private good, well, he is in for an awakening.

I actually worked for a private school for a while…Was not a great experience but I didn’t hear anything about the kids getting hit. They did have a military instructor who supposedly disciplined the kids but it was all a big joke.
And yes the kids had low self esteem.

There is a lot of stigma about going to a private school. Actually, anything less than First Girls High School and Jienguo High School and Taida and you know the drill…

I guess this is mostly on high school, and at that age, hitting unruly kids may not be easy.

I’m sorry, but I have to call BS on this. Call it an urban legend if you will. I have been teaching in both public and private schools for 15 years. Only once did I ever know of a teacher using corporal punishment and that teacher promptly lost their job.

I work closely with parents of both sets of schools and I can tell you it’s a mix of kids in both situations. Private schools are not a dumping ground for unruly kids. Many private schools work hard to prepare kids to transfer overseas. Parents take it seriously and so do the teachers.

Perhaps there a few private schools who are dumping grounds for unruly kids, but it isn’t the norm.

I’m in a quandary because I’ve just asked my daughter again if her teacher hits students and she’s insisted she’s telling the truth. Metal ruler to the hand.

The teacher should be told to stop doing that immediately. Many other parents will also be unhappy.

Too right.

I’d look into that if I were you. It is illegal and should not be happening. That teacher is way out of line. There are better ways of handling things in a classroom with children.

I’ll be creating a massive shit storm if I get involved. Probably best to be cowardly and let someone else handle it (in this case, the wife), although probably nothing will change.

Dude…it’s your kid. You are allowed to create a shit storm and you should. If that were my child, that teacher would have been fired immediately.

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What does this have to do with my kid? Other than what she has reported seeing?

Oh, my bad. I thought it was your kid being hit with a metal ruler.

No, it’s only the naughty kids who get hit.

I would still raise questions with the school. My kid or not. That teacher needs some redirection with classroom management and perhaps some cooling off time.

Regarding physical punishment, maybe they are abbiding by teh law, but it is a fact that parents are the ones pushing for illegal stuff like teaching English in kindergarden … by foreigners. And I do have heard two or three neighbors with kids in public schools wishing out loud the teachers could hit kids again. Sigh.

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Define naughty. In the few years I worked observing public and private schools, class management was really lacking overall. Teachers would ignore red flags that would have me calling child services in teh old country. I was shocked and saddened.

Wishing out loud vs. it actually happening are two different things. We all wish out loud for stuff we don’t really expect to actually come to fruition.

Big white chap with no evidence tells Taiwanese teacher how things should be done. It might work.