What stores in Taipei would carry decently priced cotton kitchen towels?
I’ve checked a few “everything” stores in my area, but they only carry polyester towels. Couldn’t find any in nearby Carrefours either.
What stores in Taipei would carry decently priced cotton kitchen towels?
I’ve checked a few “everything” stores in my area, but they only carry polyester towels. Couldn’t find any in nearby Carrefours either.
Haven’t been in a while, but IKEA used to have them.
Like these:
great. I need to get a few other things at Ikea anyway, so I’ll look for them when I’m there.
Nice towels.
Good variety of lots of items good quality. Reasonable prices.
I second this. I have them and love them. Not too thin and not too thick so the absord but also dry easily. They can be bleached too.
Interesting, first time I’ve heard of Poya. Appears to be a cosmetics store? There’s one not far from me - I’ll check it out.
I got a great set cheap at Costco after trying unsuccessfully to find towels I like at all the usual places. Problem with Costco, of course, is they’re probably all gone now…
Poya literally has almost everything that someone or a household could ever need including food. Not fresh food like a grocery store but lots of canned and packaged goods.
A good size Poya has lots of stuff, from personal grooming to electonics to beer and snacks. I get underwear from my local Poya!
Searched cotton towel at Watson’s, but they might not be.
Eh ever been to a traditional market? Or one of those neighborhood stores where they have everything under the sun, usually called hardware stores in Chinese but have everything from instant noodles to houseware, cotton kitchen towels included? From Japan? Awesome designs. Way cheaper than big stores.
Favorite places in Taipei for housewares also include the back of Taipei Main Station area, Taiyuen street. Tell me whereabouts you live and I’ll point out a traditional place. At least it’ll be interesting.
I’ve been to wet markets and traditional craft markets but I gather you might have another type of market in mind?
The “general merchandise” stores in my area are where I first looked but couldn’t find cotton towels there, only polyester. Not sure if this is the same as the hardware stores you refer to : what are the Chinese characters I should look for on the sign?
I’m near da’an park.
Which poya are you going to to find the big selection of goods? It looks like the one near me in da’an is pretty small.
I have only lived in Kaohsiung, can’t give good Taipei advice
Is the one you go to in taipei and if so what district? It looks like there is no poya home store in taipei.
I haven’t seen one in Taipei area. See them sometimes in other cities but don’t recall exact locations.
Saw these at a local pharmacy. 100% cotton, made in Taiwan. Pack of three. I usually buy like 10 of these as gifts for my aunts.
I think they’re hand towels rather than kitchen towels? They look like they’d leave fluff/fibers on everything.
I need to take a picture of the ones at the corner store. You got the expensive 3m ones, almost magical. The Japanese ones that double as sponges. The Taiwanese in several sizes. The dinky brown tea towels. For 10 NTD up you can fill a basket and try which one suits your needs.