Countdown to Iran 2008

When will the U.S. and Israel Launch a War Against Iran in 2008?

  • April-May-June 2008?
  • July-Aug-Sept 2008?
  • Oct-Nov-Dec 2008?

0 voters

Time to place your cards on the table again armchair generals. Last year didn’t work out so well for the crazies as it was one setback after another but this year is their last chance. My cards are on the table for a major air and naval war launched against Iran this summer.

Where is the option for ‘They won’t’. The US can’t afford it and the rest of the world has simply had enough of US foreign aggression.

After the election, of course. Before the election would make a Democratic victory a certainty. After the election, and the Bushies can fulfill their dream by damaging America and the world to their uhhhh… “heart’s” … content.

None of the above.
At exactly 4:20 AM, December 41st.

With today’s cheap dollar, they can’t afford not to. Besides, Iran will be able to finance it’s own reconstruction. We will be greeted as liberators. I wouldn’t be surprised if, sometime in 2009, there wasn’t a street in Tehran named George W. Bush Avenue.

You’ve hereby exercised it. I hope this way to encourage the development of a record of naysaying opinions for future evaluation.

[quote=“Briefing Room | The White House”]Q Mr. President, as you and your allies launched a global initiative to combat nuclear terrorism, what do you think is your most important challenge to expose and stop the secretive ambition of Iran’s government to enrich uranium, while assuring its citizens that their happiness and prosperity and peace is a benefit within their reach?
THE PRESIDENT: Sure, absolutely. Well, one thing is, is to reiterate my belief that the Iranians should have a civilian nuclear power program. It’s in their right to have it. The problem is the government cannot be trusted to enrich uranium because one, they’ve hidden programs in the past and they may be hiding one now, who knows; and secondly, they’ve declared they want to have a nuclear weapon to destroy people – some in the Middle East. And that’s unacceptable to the United States and it’s unacceptable to the world.
But what is acceptable to me is to work with a nation like Russia to provide the fuel so that the plan can go forward, and which therefore makes it – you know, it shows that the Iranian government doesn’t need to learn to enrich.
My only point to the Iranian people is we want you to be able to realize your sovereign rights. The government has been duplicitous to the world. Very few people trust your government. And if the government changes its behavior, there’s a better way forward for the Iranian people. [/quote]

[quote=“Ben Armbruster”]White House spokesman Gordon Johndroe stretched to explain Bush’s gaffe, saying “the president shorthanded” Iranian President Ahmadinejad’s desire “to wipe Israel off the map.” Asked about Iranian leaders’ potential to exploit Bush’s false claim for political purposes, Johndroe said “I’m not concerned about that. If they want to spin it a certain way, they can do it any way they want.”
Indeed, Bush’s “shorthand” with the facts in the run up to the Iraq war is exactly what led to the “most dangerous” foreign-policy blunder since Vietnam.

If we don’t stop them, our craven demorcrat defeatism surrendering might result in the mushroom cloud.

Are you aware that after the election “the Bushies” will be lucky if they can even get an invite to a place where people in power are eating lunch?
The “Bushies” are not Jimmy Carter or Ronald Reagan. Nobody, including Republicans, will want to be seen with them after the election.
The military establishment hates Bush/Cheney too. Don’t forget this.

Let’s assume that Bush really, really wants to invade (or at least bomb) Iran. But that he is also amenable to reason, at least partially, and so has been persuaded to postpone this blessed event. What should he do now?

If he wants to have a land invasion, it has to be during the summer. That suggests bombing as soon as the media can whip up an appropriate sense of outrage at Iran.

If he hopes to distract attention from the faltering U.S. economy, then the war had better begin soonish. (This might actually help McCain, if it makes people forget the recession for awhile, but the war hasn’t turned into a disaster before election day.)

I wouldn’t be surprised if there wasn’t one already. But where does it lead? :slight_smile:

In the USA, we may soon see whole towns named after Bush. “Bushvilles!”

Are you aware that after the election “the Bushies” will be lucky if they can even get an invite to a place where people in power are eating lunch?
The “Bushies” are not Jimmy Carter or Ronald Reagan. Nobody, including Republicans, will want to be seen with them after the election.
The military establishment hates Bush/Cheney too. Don’t forget this.[/quote]

“Bushies”…how cute…a demeaning name…thats so cute!

Didja come up with that all on your own?..LOL!

Link to a page with Iran information:


Quite a good Iran resource site.

[quote=“TainanCowboy”] . . . Link to a page with Iran information:


Quite a good Iran resource site.[/quote]

Weren’t you the guy who was directing us to ‘good’ information sources on Iraq back when? What’s changed since then to make your ‘information’ any more reliable now?

For example, what’s your expert opinion of the factual accuracy of President Bush’s statement this past week that “(Iran) declared they want to have a nuclear weapon to destroy people, some in the Middle East.”? Or would you rather not say?

Spook -
I notice that you never answer a question. All that learnin’ and you ain’t figgered out that part of communicatin’ yet?

If you have a quibble about the information presented on that web site, post your problem. Its not my site, but we all are here to help you.

[quote=“TainanCowboy”]Spook -
I notice that you never answer a question. All that learnin’ and you ain’t figgered out that part of communicatin’ yet?

If you have a quibble about the information presented on that web site, post your problem. Its not my site, but we all are here to help you.[/quote]

I don’t answer questions? Try me. I have zero fear of your questions.

My quibble with that website is the same one I had with it in the run up to Operation Iraqi Quagmire.

How come websites that have ‘truth’ in the address are most often anything but?

Not many people bring up the topic of the Iran Terrorist network.
I was listening to ex CIA officer Ray McGovern last week and he said the Iranians have a capability to use terrorism throughout Europe, Asia, the middle east and the USA.
Thus they would make the current ‘terrorists’ supposedly on every street corner look like the keystone cops.
Expect them to start their missions in Cities around the world when bombs drop in Iran.

Also the Iranians will fight.
During the Iran/Iraq war the Iraqis were shocked that as well as soldiers, they had to fight old women and kids using sticks and stones.

Oh it’s for Oil.

Pushing Bush to Attack Iran
– Washington Post

This will be an interesting test of the thesis that the Israel Lobby drives U.S. policy in the Middle East. If the U.S. does indeed start another war in that region by dumping its own intelligence and substituting Israeli intelligence it should then be clear to anyone where the “intelligence” and motive to attack Iraq originated:

[quote]Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is expected to use his White House visit today to push President Bush to take a more aggressive approach toward Iran – and there are some signs that he’ll have a receptive audience. . . .

It’s in this environment that the Jewish Telegraph Agency reports: "Ehud Olmert will urge President Bush to prepare an attack on Iran, an Israeli newspaper reported.

"Citing sources close to the Israeli prime minister, Yediot Achronot reported on its front page Wednesday that Olmert, who is due to hold closed-door talks with Bush in Washington, will say that ‘time is running out’ on diplomatic efforts to curb Iran’s nuclear program.

The United States should therefore prepare to attack Iran, Olmert will tell Bush, according to Yediot."

Olmert certainly telegraphed as much in public last night. Matti Friedman writes for the Associated Press that "the Israeli prime minister told thousands of Israel supporters at the annual convention of the pro-Israel American Israel Public Affairs Committee on Tuesday that the Iranian threat ‘must be stopped by all possible means.’ . . .

Tim Butcher writes in the Telegraph: “The speech shortens the odds significantly on military action against Iran’s nuclear programme. Israel has twice acted by itself to stop its regional enemies developing a nuclear capability, in Syria last year and Iraq in the 1980s.” . . .

[b]Butcher also notes: “Among Israeli supporters of military action against Iran there is concern something must be done before Mr Bush’s end of office next January as Mr Bush is perceived as closer to Israel than any potential successor.”

A particular irritant to Olmert and others who support military action against Iran is last year’s U.S. National Intelligence Estimate, which reported that Iran shelved its nuclear weapons program four years ago. The NIE made an unprovoked U.S. attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities politically impossible.

Bush has been trying to recast the NIE by focusing on its finding that Iran continues its nuclear enrichment program, but he hasn’t gone so far as to reject its other conclusions.

Barak Ravid writes for Haaretz: “Olmert will try to convince Bush to set aside the National Intelligence Estimate on Iran’s nuclear program in favor of data presented by Israel, and determine the administration’s policy on Iran accordingly.”

And at yesterday’s press briefing, White House spokeswoman Dana Perino confirmed as much, saying: “Israel has made it clear that they think . . . that intelligence is wrong, and that Iran is still pursuing a nuclear weapon.”

Administration critics, who in this case represent almost the entire foreign policy establishment minus the neocons, warn that an attack on Iran would backfire even more spectacularly than the invasion of Iraq. . . .[/b][/quote]

Olmert Hints U.S. Action on Iran Nukes is Near

They want it so bad. They can taste the blood.

US/IRAN: Fearing Escalation, Pentagon Fought Cheney Plan

[quote]The option of attacking nuclear sites had been raised by President Bush with the Joint Chiefs at a meeting in “the tank” at the Pentagon on Dec. 13, 2006 and had been opposed by the Joint Chiefs, according a report by Time magazine’s Joe Klein last June. After he become head of the Central Command in March 2007, Adm. William Fallon also made his opposition to such a massive attack on Iran known to the White House, according Middle East specialist Hillary Mann, who had developed close working relationships with Pentagon officials when she worked on the National Security Council staff.

It appeared in early 2007, therefore, that a strike at Iran’s nuclear programme and military power had been blocked by opposition from the Pentagon. Cheney’s proposal for an attack on IRGC bases in June 2007, tied to the alleged Iranian role in providing both weapons – especially the highly lethal explosively formed projectiles (EFPs) – and training to Shiite militias appears to have been a strategy for getting around the firm resistance of military leaders to such an unprovoked attack.[/quote]

Kill first. Ask questions later. Henceforth to be known as the Cheney Doctorine.

[quote=“cake”]Not many people bring up the topic of the Iran Terrorist network.
I was listening to ex CIA officer Ray McGovern last week and he said the Iranians have a capability to use terrorism throughout Europe, Asia, the middle east and the USA.
Thus they would make the current ‘terrorists’ supposedly on every street corner look like the keystone cops.
Expect them to start their missions in Cities around the world when bombs drop in Iran.

Also the Iranians will fight.
During the Iran/Iraq war the Iraqis were shocked that as well as soldiers, they had to fight old women and kids using sticks and stones.

Oh it’s for Oil.[/quote]

And there is still a whole lot of resentment in the hearts of the Iranians over the 1953 coup.

If there is a war,the only winners will be the oil barrons and the defence contractors.

But hey,politics is a dirty game.

Will they fight as well as the Iraqi military did?

I like it when they shoot at the night sky when the camera is all green and stuff. That’s cool.

Will they fight as well as the Iraqi military did?

I like it when they shoot at the night sky when the camera is all green and stuff. That’s cool.[/quote]
If only you could hear the babies scream.