COVID-19 Booster Shots in Taiwan

Yes, seems like they have the distribution sorted down to Local Clinic level. We found that our Local one was stocked as well and are now booked in next week.


I thought bnt had to be stored at really low temperatures. How can little clinics do that?

If such a thing has never existed before with all other vaccines we’ve ever had. What makes you think it will be different this time?

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Because EVERYTHING has been different this time with this “pandemic/vaccination”.
The world was on 1 track and jumped onto another one, with no chance of ever going back onto the original track.

That’s not good enough of a justification. Vaccine development is centuries old. It’s also proven that the vaccine’s components are destroyed within a few days of entering the body. You can’t overdose on something that isn’t in your body to begin with.

It’s not lead, storing itself in adipose tissue releasing its toxins over time…

Nothing in your body resembles a vaccine after a few days. The only evidence you have is antibodies. You can’t overdose on antibodies.

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You are taking a one factor-level view (vaccination) of what “EVERYTHING” means in the comment. Even for vaccination, it has been different (e.g., speed and lack of certain trials, multiple boosters, etc.).

I don’t know, but suspect that there is maybe a time limit that it can be out of the ‘deep freeze’.

What I was told us that they only have BNT on certain days and require an appointment. I might have just accidentally showed up on one of those days. However, since I didn’t go specifically for a booster, I didn’t ask about their stock.

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I registered for a booster at sanchong stadium, friday.


So I called the place where I got my two AZ. Busy signal again and again. I think someone picked up once then hung up. I don’t have the time or especially the patience for this. Why can’t we register with the old system that we all learned how to navigate? Or why isn’t it possible to just walk into any of the places for your booster?


I’ve had my two shots of AZ since July. I really don’t see any point for a booster currently given that I’m not going travel, Taiwan essentially has no COVID, and the benefit over the already two doses seems rather insignificant. When I go back to the US at the end of the year, I’ll reevaluate. I don’t get why they are pushing it now.

Booster minimum recommendation now 12 weeks.

Brand recommendations also suggested.


I suspect will be up and running again soon.


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AZ apparently provides minimal protection against omicron infections—and this is the variant of concern right now. That’s why the authorities in Taiwan are pushing folks to get the booster, especially (if you are open to it) one of the mRNAs, Moderna or Pfizer-BNT. Both are available to you as a double vaxxed AZer (see the handy chart posted by @tango42 immediately above).


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Still provides protection against hospitalisation and death though. Some in the Uk are even suggesting that it is even better than the mRNA ones in that regard. As in the protection lasts longer.

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【The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC)】

The CECC will restart the 1922 Vaccination Appointment System on January 15, 2022 for booster shots.

Meanwhile, local governments will update information about the brands of vaccines available and the location of participating hospitals and clinics for you to schedule your COVID-19 vaccination appointment. Additionally, you can visit the vaccine map of Taiwan showing all relevant information about COVID-19 vaccines.


After our trip to the Dayuan walk-in site was met with a huge line, my wife made appointments for us on the Taipei only website this morning. Chose Moderna and got appointments for next weekend easily.

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Got my Moderna booster this morning, quick in and out at a pediatric clinic. Omicron, I am ready for ya!


I just got the moderna booster today at the Sanchong stadium. It was really quick too.

Any idea why they give half dose for boosters?

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And the NTU booking system is now sending us both SMS messages about the need to Register before we show up for our Booster Shots.

One ‘little’ problem - we don’t have any booking for one!!! as we didnt finish the process due to the inability to populate a ‘required’ field. I have even done enquiries through their system and it says no booking!!!

No worries, we do have bookings, with Booking Number and Time, at our local Clinic on Tuesday. So we will be ‘no-shows’ to the non existent NTU bookings.

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