COVID-19 Booster Shots in Taiwan

You are a a wise man.

Assuming the wife is Taiwanese, has she also used her powers of persuasion on her Parents and GrandParents?

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Based on what I’ve seen, such powers typically flow downstream, not uphill.



Of course, but you can’t make an appointment on 1922 until 2 if you’re under 50

That is useful. Thank you.


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Wife and I got appointments at the clinic near our house.


The whole system is in shambles already, all full or registration stopped. And why does Taipei need to do it by themselves and make it difficult for people, and only in Chinese? is back! No need to go through Taipei City’s shite system anymore.


As a PSA, here’s what I saw on the 1922 platform for booking a booster shot. This applies ONLY if you are now three months past your second shot.

本次採【分流預約】Reservation Timetable

  1. 1957/12/31(含)以前出生者:1/15 上午10時至1/16 中午12時。
  2. 1958/1/1-1972/12/31(含)之間出生者:1/15 中午12時至1/16 中午12時。
  3. 1973/1/1-2004/01/23(含)之間出生者:1/15 下午02時至1/16 中午12時。


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Or so you think. They haven’t given up their own shit. Districts in Taipei City don’t even show up on 1922.

All else for BNT and Moderna are full, some areas don’t even get BNT or Moderna.

It’s total fuck-up as before.

Hang in there, BP. There are heaps of supplies available, so at least they will not run out any time soon. I hope you can access what you want soon.


It seems that because Taipei jumped the gun, they have kept that system for Taipei City customers.
Edit - and yes, this time there are ample supplies for all.

It’s not for me I’m just helping out. Mine was easy, no appointment, walk-in.

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When is the next registration? No word. A bunch of friggin’ retards.

They can’t even spell (Modena) or have the date right 2011???

Apparently Taipei is going to shift back to 1922 next round due to complains

l suggest calling clinics in your neighborhood directly, that’s how we did it. Easy.

l am almost there too. l dislike feeling like shit for a day and counting…

Remember: you are training your body to deal with this pathogen! Yes you feel lousy now, but if you’re not in the risk group (young males) it will pass, switching back to “normal” almost like a light switch. At least that’s what happened with me when I received the mRNA vaccines.


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My wife and I are in line for the walk-in now. Only about 10 people in front of us. Too bad we can’t transfer our other four appointments to you guys. I don’t even think you can cancel them.

Done. Super fast.


Where did you go for the walk-in appointment?

QingPu… but there are lots of them in Taoyuan to choose from.

You CAN cancel 1922 appointments now. My wife will try to cancel the Taipei system appointment later.