COVID-19 ending predictions for posterity’s sake

Vaccines will become available for distribution by early 2021 but it will take another year to get billions of doses out to the general populace. Even then some developing countries will be last in line leading to pockets of outbreaks persisting.

Travel bubbles will be set up between countries that have already received the vaccine. In many cases you will have to show proof of a vaccine to gain entry.

Long term effects will become more and more prevalent. Millions of people will have chronic ailments tied to covid19.

2024 a new novel virus will come out of China…yet again.


Yes, absolutely. But the average 70 year old today is much less frail than the average 70 year old 50 years ago.

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What do you mean? I think there is a causal relationship there, better standard of living, meds, food, etc results in healthier 70 year olds. On that note, Dolly Parton is in talks to do a Playboy spread.

And I was thinking more 80+ as the “very old.”

What do I mean? Good question that I often find myself asking. In this case, I believe I have lost track. Seems like someone said we have more old folks than ever so a pandemic was bound to wipe them out at some point, and I meant to say that that people stay healthier till older ages so the proportion of morbid to well probably has not gotten worse. But it did not come out that way. There is a whole theory on compression of morbidity, but I am not sure if it is working out as hoped.

Anyway, I am going to need my dinner soon if I am to watch the 5 o’clock news and be in bed by 7…

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And I was up at 4AM…really for no reason. :grandpa:

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The WHO, bless 'em, have just announced that they predict 10% of the world’s population have already been infected. So, the overall mortality rate will end up at around 0.13%. Feels familiar.


When everybody has it, it won’t be special anymore.

Next hipster disease out of China: the Bubonic Plague.

Kinda liking this plot twist going around: Scientists discover that Trump’s antibodies are not only the cure for COVID but also, if injected, cure woke ideology which has infected many more than COVID. Masses of leftists (not classical liberals) subsequently burn down what’s left of Western society and Trump sells the story rights to Marvel, along with getting nominated for a 4th Nobel Peace Prize (which he doesn’t win because…well, you can’t force injecting people with Trump science). Don Jr. later becomes president, and diplomatic ties with Taiwan are restored. China plummets into a deep depression and Taiwan’s economy skyrockets in the midst of becoming a bilingual, English-speaking nation by 2030. By then, I will have lost my teaching job and will be selling 雞蛋糕 to make ends meet. :slight_smile:

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God not more crazy political stuff.

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After the whole world woke up and put massive mitigation measures and scientific and medical resources on the case !..It’s not something that JUST WOULD HAVE happened and for that I again refer people to Wuhan and NYC and Northern Italy earlier this year.

Did any flu ever cause that kind of chaos and death rate in recent memory? Nope !

Don’t take my word for it look up the paramedic interview videos from NYC during the epidemic there.

Now the situation has dramatically improved due to large scale intervention and better therapies.


If the cure worked, it clearly wasn’t needed…

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Examples to show what did happen when the epidemic was out of control in NYC

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Damn right it did. we should be sharing kudos, not blame. Except for China. Fuck them.

I would disagree that the massive mitigation measures were always necessary or even always effective. As we are seeing with case numbers increasing rapidly in areas that had hard lockdowns. Of course scientific and medical resources have made a huge difference in reducing the number of deaths. Other factors such as increased immunity may well also be at play. The research that mask use might infect people with a lower viral load is also interesting.

I’m not arguing that nothing should have been done and the massive drop in death rates JUST WOULD HAVE happened anyway. That would be ridiculous. My argument has always been that hard national lockdowns should have been avoided.

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Yes, but you need strong leadership to convince people to undertake non-pharmaceutical mitigation measures on their own. Too many people in the US can’t just wear masks or stay away from large gatherings. Or return shopping carts. We never had that strong leadership at the national level.

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Well, my Covid-19 prediction for posterity is not much of that will change.

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I said it first: what happens once may not happen twice, but if it does, it will happen thrice.

SARS 1, then 2, less than 10 years to number 3.


And about every 100 years or so nature says fuck the human species, I’ve had enough of these suckers.

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We have the means to wipe off every single living thing, that it hasn’t happened yet is the real miracle.

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Yes, we will return to normal. Spanish Flu was far worse, and that lasted two years.

We could have returned to normal by now had governments and their people acted competently and responsibly. That’s why we are pretty much normal here in Taiwan, but the US, under trump’s disastrous “leadership” and exacerbated by a sizeable number of Covidiots, is a hot mess.

What will truly end it and bring us back to normal is the vaccine, which promises to be available in the next few months. I don’t plan to leave the safe haven of Taiwan until I have that shot in the arm.

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