COVID-19 (&variants) Treatment in Taiwan

Hi, I recently got COVID. I would like to know what are all the available medicines available in Taiwan. I’m interestred in TCM and Western style meds. I got some from a clinic and was given some TCM stuff froma friend, but have run out and want to know what to ask for/what is available

Please, this is not the thread to debate the existence of COVID/Long COVID. Thanks in advance for any good information.
Stay safe. COVID sucks.

There are none. There is a Taiwan FDA page stating that no such treatments exist.

If you go to the hospital with breathing problems they were (until recently) reportedly giving people remdesivir and sticking a tube down their necks. Most people just stay in bed, take some paracetamol, and get better. Of course, if you want to try TCM (and I have no opinion one way or the other about that) the clinician will advise you. You don’t need to source the medicines yourself. I believe the reputable TCM clinics are in the same NHI scheme as “normal” clinics, so it doesn’t cost much for consultation.

Thanks for the rreply.

I will have to go to the clinic and TCM places myself.

I do know that we are given these yellow pills from both the Western and TCM style places. I’d like to tknow what they are called.

Apparently you can get a consultation via video call, but I’m afraid I don’t know how that’s done.

Ah, the ubiquitous mystery pills. I did look them up a few years back and they’re generally just placebo-like substances or painkillers - antitussives, paracetamol, an NSAID, or similar. If you mean the yellow-and-white oblong pills, I think they’re paracetamol. If you google the codes on the pills, they should pop up on Taiwan’s national pharmacopeia website.

I am not recommending this as no one knows what your body can handle, but just offer it nonetheless.
Acetaminophen (tylenol if you can find the brand).
Cough syrup (if throat really bad).
Mouthwash: go to Watson’s. They have buy 1/get 1 of Fresh Mint Mouthwash or Green Tea Mouthwash. It has Cetylpyridinium Chloride as ingredient. Just gargle far back in throat multiple times a day. No need to use it like mouthwash (swishing it around the mouth). Just spit out after long gargle to point of thinking you’re about to swallow it.

Anyway, best of luck whatever you choose to do.

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Good point. I’d forgotten about mouthwash. The FLCCC guys recommend using a dilute povidone/iodine solution (and the same thing for a nasal rinse). FWIW I’ve found a saline solution gargle and nasal rinse works extremely well for the common cold - I thought it was just a daft old wives’ tale until I tried it.

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Thanks :slight_smile:

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@slawa this is the kind of thing! Thanks. I wonder how easy it is to get hold of and how much it is.

I think any licenced traditional medicine practitioner can get you this.

There are some ready to consume packages. 80 twd per bag. 2x per day. So a week worth of treatment is 1120 twd.

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Thanks for the price info. Apparently there are/were supply issues though perhaps it is old news Taiwan government provides online tools for finding herbal COVID-19 medicine | Taiwan News | 2022-05-23 18:51:00
They link to this table. I assume the numbers in red refer to available treatments but I do not understand the various categories. Google translate doesn’t seem to help much.清冠一號動態表

Less than 30 patients is too small to conclude anything with certainty, but it looks beneficial.

In comparison, 64 cases who were treated with Western medicine only during the same period saw a 40% death rate, the hospital said.

That is an absolutely extraordinary death rate. You’d have to actually go out of your way to kill people that reliably; even back in the confusing early days of 2020, people who went into hospital walked out again more often than not (~20% fatality, IIRC). Things improved rapidly from that low point (particularly when they stopped intubating people). The FLCCC doctors are claiming a few percent loss, and have been for some time.

Anyway, I guess the question is: if the milkweed thing works so well, and they knew that it worked way back in mid-2021, why isn’t it in routine use already instead of dubious crap like Remdesivir and Paxlovid? Sounds like this will be one of those things - like the other half-dozen repurposed drugs that were banned or restricted last year - that won’t actually make any impact on COVID treatment.

If you’re observing results that dramatic, 30 patients is plenty. However, the death rate in the “western medicine” arm of the trial is/was so high that it looks like it was designed to fail (and if that were the case, it would amount to the worst possible type of fraud).


Like you say, 29 patients isn’t a lot…and 40% of the control group dying seems crazy too (I wonder if there’s some context missing there, or some differences between the two groups).

It seems to be a trend of Taiwanese clinical studies to use a tiny number of patients for bold claims. The supposed proof of NRICM101 working was apparently the same (33 total, 12 treated with NRICM101).

I used that NRICM101 stuff when I had the plague last month, because a friend brought me some. I don’t think it did me any harm, but I was surprised to learn later from the friend that it cost her NT$1600 or something for 10 sachets when bought without prescription. :flushed: I wouldn’t have taken it if I’d have known it was so expensive, and I definitely wouldn’t have paid so much myself.

Someone is making a lot of money by grinding up licorice root (and ~9 other things)…

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These herbs?

I’m pretty sure that’s different from the formula that 大陸 came up with in 2020. (Not sure if that’s still a thing or not.)