COVID Humbug! (2022 edition)

A problem with the ‘remove the unvaccinated from general society’ argument is that the definition of what is means to be “fully vaccinated” is changing before our eyes. In some places, you’re ‘unvaxxed’ without the 3rd shot.

Those supporting biomedical tyranny (not referring to anyone in this or any other thread) might find themselves at the wrong end of the stick when they eventually want to say “no more” to the mandated twice/ thrice-yearly jabs, simply to be allowed to visit Maccas.

Interesting point, but the law does not provide for the right to be entitled to a job, but only for the right to engage in work. Regardless of my views on vaccines and mandates.

It doesn’t absolve us of workplace rules and regulations.

Some say that it is unlikely that any challenge to mandated vaccination in Canada contravenes the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

However, any particular country’s Charter of Rights or Constitution doesn’t hold the monopoly on what is good or bad, right or wrong, fair, balanced or unbalanced.

Ultimately, people will make up their own minds, whether government pandemic measures have been completely appropriate, or they’ve done more harm than good.

“Canada is facing a potential wave of terminations tied to mandatory workplace vaccine policies as a growing number of employers require workers to be fully inoculated against COVID-19 - or risk losing their jobs, legal experts say.”

But then…:slight_smile:


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Canadian truckers’ favorite church!

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Hey, Canadian masses! Even in “isolation,” Trudeau still has your back! :wink:

Very kind of him.

Are you serious? I mean really? Why does anybody need a chit from the government affirming their “right” to enter restaurants? Is this not North Korea-level lunacy?

The truckers have a massive amount of support. Look at the videos. People are cheering them on, despite the fact that the protests are going to disrupt their lives. The reason they’ve cheering is that they know Trudeau is hell-bent on making their lives even worse, for the foreseeable future.

It would have never happened if Trudeau wasn’t a first-class cnut on a power trip.


Perhaps you should have a chat with a lawyer and/or legal scholar then.

Massive is subjective and relative. Yes, I do not disagree there are people there cheering them on. But it’s not the whole story.

Oh well. Not my problem.

10 posts were merged into an existing topic: From coronavirus

Capitalism to the rescue :slight_smile:

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Ottawa: Drone view of freedom convoy truck rally at Parliament of Canada 1-28-2022

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Finally our children have real heroes again. I have been listening to them sending messages on Zello, it is amazing.


Yeah with key guys (of course it’s guys) calling on this to be Canada’s January 6.

Truckers have a tough job and have legit grievances about workplace safety and wages. Too bad this is not about any that—based on what I tell, it’s right wing, individualistic, and anti-state.


It’s good to see. It’s a pity it has to come to this - people have asked nicely, they’ve used the legal process, but Trudeau’s head seems to be wedged so far up his own ass that even the lawyers can’t winkle it out. So people have to resort to blunt-instrument methods instead. Waste of money, waste of resources, major inconvenience for all concerned - but let’s hope the message gets through.

Go tell that to the truckers in the Middle East and Africa that are getting ready to do the same, I wonder what they will say when you call them rightwing. When I hear that word I want to puke. People are sick and tired of it. Stop it, not everything is rightwing.

Don’t puke; it won’t help. :grin:

Here’s al Jeezera’s take on what’s happening in Canada:


Yes right, the middle east cnn.

Anti-vaxer, far-right, racist … how original.

It’s so much easier to just insult people than come up with a coherent argument against their position, isn’t it?

The article is ridiculous. Of course the protest is full of “anti-government sentiment”. That’s what protests are for. And I notice there’s a lot of dark rumblings about the people starting to consider violence. Again: of course they are. That’s what happens when governments themselves inflict violence upon citizens and shut down their recourse to the law. It amazes me that some people actually think that the natural reaction to threats and intimidation is to say “oh, OK then, we’ll just do as we’re told”.

We don’t want theocracies, personality-cults, or dictatorships in The West. We know what they look like; there are plenty of examples. Let’s hope we can stop it before it’s too late.


Thanks for the laugh. You keep being you!


Here’s another Al Jazeera hot take:

WHO warns world cannot ‘boost its way out’ of pandemic:

Blanket booster programmes in rich countries risk prolonging the battle with COVID-19, WHO chief says.